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Collective Consciousness
2C-E, Cannabis, Alcohol
Citation:   Shaggy. "Collective Consciousness: An Experience with 2C-E, Cannabis, Alcohol (exp87216)". Oct 14, 2012.

8 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    oral Alcohol (liquid)
  7 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
Where to begin..... So somehow me and two other people (who will remain nameless, I will refer to them as Girl-1 and Girl-2) experienced some form of human communication that I had absolutely no idea existed. The sheer fact that it was even possible is still quite difficult to wrap my head around completely. I was utterly unprepared and thoroughly surprised when it happened, but believe it or not, it really did happen. I also realized afterwords that this was not the first time something similar has happened in my lifetime.

It started out as a reasonably normal trip (if there is such a thing). Girl-1 and I snorted approx. 8mg each of pure (meaning I know for a fact it was 99.996 percent pure crystal) 2C-E. Burns like a motherfucker, every time. It hit me much stronger then my first experience with the substance about a week earlier (which was a much more visual experience, lots of movement and color alterations). The experience was much more body oriented, closely resembling Ecstasy. I had more of a body high from this particular experience then I wouldn't normally expect from anything less then three or four good rolls (which unfortunately my jaw locks up whenever I take more then two rolls at a time so I refrain myself from doing so). I felt a greatly heightened sensitivity of the sensory nerves in my body, music hits that certain spot in your head that makes you want move, but only very mild hallucinations. It was one of those times where you want to roll around in a pool filled with pillows that are so soft it feels like getting rubbed all over with angel hair. As I was doing almost exactly what I just previously stated, Girl-1 comes over and starts to rub/scratch my back. This proved to be extremely pleasurable, sending tingles and spasms over a large portion of my body and causing a near orgasm like euphoria in my brain. Unfortunately she got distracted and stopped way to early, but that is a different matter.

About an hour goes by when Girl-2 steps into the picture. Being that it was her first time with any sort of hallucinatory substances I started her off with a small dose of about 4mg. Allow me to repeat myself, burns like a motherfucker, every time. As we continue down the rabbit hole, Boy-1 shows up with some sensimilla. Marijuana tends to increase the visual hallucinations. This is also around the same time that the alcohol is consumed.

Now for a side note, a brief description of myself which might make the next part make a little more sense. I have an interest in becoming a massage therapist. I consider myself to be very good at massage judging by the numerous compliments I have gotten from virtually everyone I have ever massaged. I have also believed in a certain level of energy transfer from person to person and how it can effect other people. This realization came from a separate experience where a very close friend of mine was overdosing from Ecstasy. To help calm his heart rate down we turned off all the music, lights, and any other from of sensory input. I sat down next to where he was laying, put my hand on his leg, and while I was wishing that there was more I could to do to help him I noticed a strange sensation coming from the side of my head and torso that was facing towards him. I decided to try to tap into it and send as calming, soothing, “please don't fucking die on me dude” energy (or vibes or chakras or whatever the hell it is, I don't really have a name for it) as mentally possible. The thing that amazed me is that after about five minutes of this it actually started to work. After about 15 minutes he was almost back to normal, or at least as normal as a kid who is still rolling who just had a near death experience. Since then, I have been trying to hone the ability to send and receive the energy that human beings give off. I like to incorporate this into my massages because there is a noticeable difference in the end result and the client seems to have a more enjoyable experience. For lack of a better description I try to send a lot of calm, healing, loving energy into the person I'm working on. This also requires 100% of my attention and focus to do, which I think other people notice. I believe this played a large roll in the events that I am about describe for you.

So anyway, back to the matter at hand. I was just beginning to come down and decided more 2C-E was in order. I ask Girl-2 how she is doing and if she wants a little more or a lot more. She said a lot, so Girl-1, Girl-2, and I each snorted about 7mg more. A little after this, I was starting to sense some hostility from Boy-1 because he has a thing for Girl-1, was rather drunk and horny, and was a bit upset that I was cock blocking because Girl-1 is basically my sister and I didn't really feel like watching them fuck. So to cool down the situation I gave him a massage. Afterwords he was quite pleased and much more passive, mission accomplished.

After Boy-1 got his massage it was time for Girl-2 to get a rub down. This is where the night got a little crazy. I noticed while I was giving Boy-1 a massage that my ability to transfer energy was much stronger and more acute then normal. About 15 minutes into the massage of Girl-2 I did something that I've never done before. I was sending her an extra strong dose of love when I thought to myself “Here you go girl, have a nice big strong dose of love. Take it and keep it with you and Don't Ever Let It Come OUT.” as I finished this thought it felt like this love was literally encapsulated and transferred to her. She twitched quite strongly when I finished the thought which totally caught me off guard. I had a visual verification that my thoughts alone actually effected another person. It was shortly after that when I was doing an effleurage of the three large muscles that run the length of the back that I stopped between T-1 and T-3 (directly in between the shoulder blades). I was sending more energy when suddenly our brains became linked somehow. Neither of us were really prepared for it to happen and still can't really explain how or why, it just simply happened. I guess you could say I sensed one of her thoughts and then tried to communicate back.

All of a sudden she reacted and I could feel her presence in my head. It took a second for us to realize what was happening, that we were communicating with our minds. We both freaked out for a moment and didn't really know what to do, being that this has never happened to either one of us before. After a minute of mild panic, we got comfortable with the experience. The next thing that she, I, we thought about how we could tell anyone about what was happening without breaking the link. So there I was sitting on this girl in the middle of a massage sending mental messages back and forth to each other. It's completely ridiculous sounding but it actually happened. It was a lightning fast connection. Instead of having to think about what your going to say, say said phrase, wait for the other person to process the sound you just made and repeat the process back to you, it was like, well it was like we were in each others heads. I would think something and almost before I was done thinking it I would get a response back from her.

A moment passed and I got off of her and laid down next to her. We held our hands together where our wrists were touching and either hand was going down the others forearm. This caused a sensation that I can still feel today in my arm. It was like a vine wrapped round my forearm and left some strange imprint of her that I hasn't really gone away. It certainly strengthened the connection because at that point I had a rush of information flash through my head faster than I ever expected in an epiphany like flood of information: Had anything like this ever happened before, can you share it with other people nearby (the answer to that is yes, I will get into that in a moment), is it repeatable (the answer to that is yes, I will get to that as well), what if we are stuck like this forever (not this time, but I did feel have a strange feeling that it is possible to get stuck in that state of mind, or possibly even separate you conciseness from your body), can I make money from this somehow, how can you prove scientifically that it actually happens, what sort of significance might this hold on the rest of the human race, what sort of use could this possibly have, and millions of other ideas and thoughts and images were seemingly passed back and forth freely between our minds. After that finished we began to explore a different side, emotions and more physical feelings also seemed to transfer easily. Needless to say it was quite a bonding experience.

Can it be shared with nearby people? Yes. Enter Girl-1. This also needs a little history lesson for this to make any sense. I used to have an epic crush on Girl-1 before we decided we were better off as friends than lovers. Before we came to that realization however, we had another similar mind connection experience (this one was much more brief then the main one I'm describing). We dropped acid and went to a Rusted Root concert. After a thoroughly enjoyable evening we were sitting on a hill overlooking the city having a heart to heart conversation, mostly trying to figure out if we should be lovers or not. After not getting any real satisfactory answers out of her, I leaned in close to her and thought (what I believed at the moment to just myself) simply 'Why? Why won't you let me in and let me love you?' When I finished the thought I sensed in her this ball of terrible rage and anger. When I stumbled upon this it felt like nothing short of Pure Rage. Fists pounding and feet kicking with destructive force in all directions and this terrible ear piercing scream. As soon as I sensed this I lifted a finger up towards her head as if to pinpoint this rage that was trapped inside of her and told her verbally 'That has absolutely got to go. I don't know where that came from or how it got there, but we will never be one with that still stuck inside your head'

Anyway back to the main story. I think Girl-1 finally realized that there was something extraordinary was happening between Girl-2 and I (or that she picked up on the signals we were sending her or whatever). Long story short, I also became connected with her in the same way I was connected with Girl-2. There was no physical contact, she just sort of connected in somehow. Shortly after I realized she was also connected I knew this might be my only chance to rid her of the ball of rage I sensed in her. I quickly decided that the best way to destroy it was to overload it til it burst. So I brought myself back to the same feeling I remembered on that night and built up as much rage and anger and hate in my head as I could and push it toward her until it burst. (side note, she said verbally as I started this 'oh shit, this is turning into a bad trip) I had to tense up every muscle in my body and curl up into the fetal position to muster up enough strength to pull this off. (on another side note, everything in the room turned red while I was doing this) I really had to fight hard to build up enough energy to break through.

At the very peak of this I thought 'I'm not stopping. This thing in your head is getting destroyed Tonight. FIGHT Girl-1. YOU WILL FIGHT!!! YOU WILL WIN!!!' and then tightened up every muscle in my body as hard as I could I screamed the same scream I heard in her head on that hill 2 years prior and I felt that shit burst. There was an obvious release of energy as if the rage I was building up was in a balloon that just got blown all the way up and then released to fly around the room. Just building up that much rage was kinda traumatizing and left me shaking rather violently for about 30 seconds afterword. I still can't believe it worked, but somehow, it did.

After calming down some we went back to the normal loving connection that we started with. I believe at this point Girl-1 was more closely connected to me then Girl-2. Girl-1 was saying things I was thinking word for word for word exactly as I was thinking them to Girl-2. From that point on, you would just of had to been there to understand what was happening. I have not yet found the words to totally describe the experience.

I found afterwords that the whole ordeal was quite draining. Overall the shared consciousness lasted for approximately two hours. It was quite early in the morning at this point, however I really needed to rest from the shock of it happening and to try and figure out what the fuck just happened. The hangover from the 2C-E was rather mild (thank god). I mostly just felt physically and mentally drained. No killer headache or vomiting or anything like that.

I will also note that on the 4th of July that same year (acid this time) I had a similar experience and seemingly connected with a mass of people. I was missing my girlfriend who lives about 100 miles away and was trying to let her know that I missed her and loved her without having to call her so I was trying to send her some energy from a distance. Unknowing to myself at the time, what I really did was let out 2 really big shock waves of 'love' directly into the ground and to everyone nearby, which created a link to a whole mass of people. I wasn't intending for it to happen but I think the timing had a lot to do with it. Everyone was gathered sitting in quiet anticipation of the fireworks and I think having that many people nearby not really doing anything important with their minds opened them up more. It had the sensation of looking through one way glass however, with me being on the side that you can see through to the other. Still, I could feel the power of an entire species. I mean think about it... What if every single human being (all 6,697,250,000 of them. Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators) was trying to accomplish the same goal. Imagine the things we could do.

I would love to hear feedback from anyone who has experienced anything like this before. I also plan on doing much much more research into the subject. These are some of the numerous questions I would like to explore and possibly be able to answer some day: Is there a mental, sub-conscious form of human communication that happens on a regular basis that most people are completely unaware of? Is it possible to bring this out of the sub-conscious and into something you can consciously control? What exactly are thoughts and can they have an effect on the outside world without taking any physical action to carry out said thought? Is it possible that most living creatures are already connected by some invisible mental web that we don't yet know about? Would it be possible to have the world connected as a collective conscious without imposing upon peoples free will? Do drugs have an effect on which part and how much of your brain is actively working? Can drugs be used to activate different parts of your brain that could be beneficial to the world? Talking to some college professors or psychiatrists or other massage therapists or neurologists or anyone who knows more about the subject then I do is definitely in my near future. I want to explore deeper into what I “discovered” and learn as much as I can about it.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87216
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 14, 2012Views: 3,529
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Yoga / Bodywork (202), 2C-E (137) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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