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Heavy Relaxation
Chamomile & Tobacco
Citation:   Elderos. "Heavy Relaxation: An Experience with Chamomile & Tobacco (exp87277)". Sep 12, 2010.

  smoked Chamomile (dried)
    smoked Tobacco (dried)
I got back from work the other day extremely tired. I work at a coffee shop so we carry a variety of loose-leaf teas. I happened to have a bag of chamomile, sunflower and peppermint loose leaf tea and was curious what the effects of smoking it would be. So, I proceeded to mix a few grams of it with shisha (Hypnosis Blueberry Haze) and packed it into my hookah bowl.

The smoke tasted AMAZING. The blueberry complimented the chamomile and peppermint for a very refreshing smoke. The clouds were extremely thick and voluminous. They were smooth and not harsh at all!

Heavy physical sedation. It felt as if I took 6mg of Melatonin; my eyes were heavy and I was very relaxed. Smoking it over the next hour was extremely relaxing and stress-reducing. It is interesting to note the chamomile also had an anxiety-lowering effect as well.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87277
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 12, 2010Views: 23,744
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Chamomile (428), Tobacco (47) : General (1), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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