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Stuck in Time With My Lover
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Lara_H. "Stuck in Time With My Lover: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp87283)". Jan 12, 2014.

T+ 0:00
1.5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
  T+ 0:00   oral Alcohol  
  T+ 4:00   oral Valerian (tea)
  T+ 4:00   oral Passion Flower (tea)
Me and my boyfriend got hold of some cubensis shrooms at our friends house. We decided to take a low dose because he had never had shrooms before and I had only had some once. It was a little bit unplanned and it was quite late in the evening.

Around 11 pm we dropped down about 1 gram of dried cubensis each, but we did not have a scale at that time, I think it must have been a bit more than 1 gram. We had some beer before the shrooms and we drank a little more as we talked a little this and that with our friend. I thought then that it was a bad idea to drink any alcohol but my boyfriend insisted that he knew what he was doing. Then we went home to our apartment because our friend did not feel like taking any and wanted to go to sleep. It took about 10 minutes to get home.

After about a half an hour we started to get really giddy. I felt very happy and relaxed, almost a bit mdma like. We laughed at everything and had a great time inside our room, which has a lot of trippy decorations and a UV lamp. So it was a great place to trip in. I started to notice that I was very relaxed in my lower body, I felt very womanly. This happened last time I tripped on cubensis too. Me and my boyfriend we're very cuddly and did cute and silly things, it felt like we we're two cute gnomes or something. At this time I started to have quite intense visuals, I noticed this while visiting the toilet. The floor started to have an amazing pattern of something that looked like Mexican mosaic design, it was very tribal. It reminded me of the rainforest and shamans and I got a didgeridoo sound in my head for a while.

The walls in our 'trippy cave' came alive when I looked at them in close up. They are painted white and have an irregular surface. But while tripping they looked like they were bubbling and patterns like flowers showed up. I noticed that every surface I looked upon had a different pattern. The floor in our room looked like a very symmetrical mosaic pattern and I even could see distinct colours of gold, blue, green and red. It was three dimensional at the height of my trip. My boyfriend did not see any patterns; he was not tripping as hard as I was. He was having a very good time. We watched a silly Russian 70's cartoon on youtube, we laughed so hard it started to get tears in my eyes, it was a very good thing to watch while tripping. There was a bear and a hedgehog and the bear tried to learn the hedgehog to fly or something.

After that we decided to go outside and explore a bit. It took ages for us to get jackets on and get outside, we got distracted many times and laughed because it took so long to get out of our apartment. I repeatedly checked that I had the keys in my pocket. When we got outside my boyfriend said he needed to take a crap. I said let's go inside again so he can go to the toilet, I need to change my shoes. My current shoes felt too big for some reason. After that we got outside pretty quick. With a pair of prettier shoes on we stood outside and wondered about where we should go.

The world seemed like a different place outside. It was a bit boring out in the streets. Fortunately not many people were outside. We decided to walk a bit past an old church that was only about 200m away and to some traffic lights and back. It was only about 400m. It took ages to get there! We walked and walked and it seemed like the ground was coming towards me instead of me walking across the ground. It seemed like the street just continued to grow farther. My boyfriend experienced this also, but we were not freaked out about it. Then I said that maybe we could walk a bit faster and then we started to actually get closer to the traffic lights. We noticed that we were walking awfully funny and tried to act normal.

I saw some people and I felt sorry for them for being so boring. And I stood and did a huuuge yawn. My boyfriend thought it was quite funny. We started to head back, I wanted to hug some trees but I forgot about it. It took forever to walk back and my boyfriend said it felt a bit like the movie Inception. I agreed and tried not to think about it too much.

I wanted to go to a path nearby so I could see some trees and nature; I think I used the word organic. So we started to walk towards it, it took such a long time to get there and I started to feel a bit anxious about having concrete buildings around and I avoided to walk on the sidewalk because it freaked me out a bit. I walked along the sidewalk instead. It felt like I could get to my destination faster if I did not walk on the sidewalk.

We finally got to the path; it was not even a kilometer away. We noticed that there was a barricade because there was some construction work done. We ignored the barricade and went there anyway. But after a few barricades we came to a deep hole in the ground, so we had to turn around and go back. Fortunately we did not have any trouble with orientation.

We took another route to the path. We walked on a sidewalk and past a natural stone wall that was lit. It looked amazing! I saw some stone faces that looked like wise old men and it was very lively. I decided that it was maybe a bit too much and continued my walk. My boyfriend also found it to be very trippy.

We walked for a while longer and my boyfriend had to take a piss, we laughed at that. So while he was standing in some bush I stood alone for a while under a bridge. I noticed that my thoughts echoed in my head. I was getting a bit worried at this time and tried to calm down. I tried to calm my mind and not think about anything and got a bit frustrated because of this. I meditate a lot and find it very easy to empty my mind of intruding thoughts so to not be able to do that at that time was a bit worrying. I did not have this problem the last time I took shrooms.

No matter, we moved on and came to some student campus. Then we noticed that we were walking towards our friend's apartment and decided that maybe we have walked long enough and started walking home. We were not far from the path that we intended to go to but it was quite dark outside and it did not feel as such a good idea anymore.

I was getting more worried because my thoughts felt very fragmented and I felt that my reality was very un-solid and that I had no control of anything.

After some walking back to our apartment we came across a black cat and two rabbits. This was very cool, I felt like Alice in wonderland. Curiouser and curiouser! The cat and the rabbits behaved really strange, they were not afraid of us. But they kept some distance. The cat stared at us in curiously and the rabbits jumped around. We looked at these quite a while and I wanted to pet the cat, but then the cat decided that maybe it would be best to run away.

So we continued, I felt much better after that I had got distracted by that little event. The nearer we got to our apartment the better I felt. When we were inside and safe my boyfriend looked at his watch and said that we have been gone for only 17 minutes! It felt like we had been gone for at least 1 and a half an hour for both of us. He said that it's like in the movie Inception, now we can do whatever we want. It felt great; I said that we have more time than other people.

Back inside we talked about this and that, forgetting the subject all the time. And then I decided to make some tea. It took a while for me to actually make it but eventually the tea got made. I found we had one teabag left of a tea which was love tea by pukka herbs. This was quite awesome to find. I started to babble about my love for him and such and we had a very intense romantic tea drinking. I even hallucinated some hearts floating around.

Then we decided to explore our bedroom, which has a lord Shiva statue and some other hindu decorations. I felt very womanly again and could not stop posing like a hindu goddess, my boyfriend thought it was quite funny. I did it without noticing it.

Then we hit back to our trippy cave. I felt a bit calmed down from the tea. We contenplated on a hairstick that I had made the other day, it had peyote beading on it. I talked about the technique of the beading and the origins of it. Then things started to take a more spiritual turn for me. I started to feel very in tune with nature and the goddess aspects of it. It felt like I was being rocked back and forth by warm waves.

Me and my boyfriend eventually sat down and talked, and I started to reflect upon my life and my self image. It got almost a bit depressing and my boyfriend was very comforting. Then I suddenly realized fully what the term 'beauty comes from inside' means. It felt like an energy rush inside of me and it was very empowering.

I still saw a lot of patterns on all surfaces; it had gone about 3 hours since we took the shrooms. My boyfriend said he started to come down a bit and felt sleepy. I also felt sleepy but I did not want to sleep. We decided that he could go to sleep and I would trip for a while by myself and if need comes I can go and wake him up.

So I was tripping for myself for about an hour, listening to Indian acoustic music. I felt worry starting to build up from time to time, it came in waves. I reflected upon goddessness and trippyness and nature and stuff. I was quite nice; I felt that I had a good place in the universe.

Then I decided that I would like to draw some of the patterns I saw on the floor on paper. As I drew I saw the pattern to start coming on top of the paper, the paper looked almost translucent. But as I tried to draw I started to get more and more anxious. I felt like I was losing my mind. Something felt wrong. I could not decide on what music I wanted to hear, so I turned the music down a bit.

Time had come to wake up my boyfriend, I felt a need to cuddle and come down. He was happy to see me; he did not feel like sleeping either. So we talked and I felt a little better. But I started to get anxious when I closed my eyes because I saw deck of cards patterns and this for some reason freaked me out. I went to the toilet and noticed that my face is quite asymmetrical and got a bit weird thoughts about it. Something about clowns and scary shit. I started to feel a bit panicky. Feelings from the past when I was younger and had problems with anxiety started to creep up to the surface.

Then I remembered that I happened to have passion flower herbs and valerian, these herbs are effective in calming the mind and body. So I brew a tea out of it. It helped a little; at least I did not have as much negative thoughts any more. But I was still a little bit tense. Then we ate some chocolate which tasted heavenly and some grapes. I started to feel much better and noticed that the patterns on the floor had started to fade. After a while of lying down and talking I started to come out of the trip and at last we both fell asleep at about 5 or 6 in the morning.

I have learned a lot from this trip. It was a bit uncomfortable at times but I managed to not get hysterical about it. I think the alcohol might have made the trip less nice. Next time I will plan the trip more and not drink alcohol. And I might take a lower dose, I am quite sensitive to all kinds of stuff so I can get a good trip on very low doses. I also think it would have been better to take the shrooms a bit earlier in the evening.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87283
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jan 12, 2014Views: 3,238
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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