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A Close Call
Citation:   Depra. "A Close Call: An Experience with 2C-D (exp87284)". Sep 21, 2010.

80 mg oral 2C-D (powder / crystals)
First I'll add that I'm not very experienced with psychedelic drugs, and probably most other people will not experience this insanity. I weighed out 80 mg of 2C-D on my MM scale, which is twice as much as other recent 2C-D trips. I was sitting in my small apartment tripping alone, and I figured I was in for a great time. My stomach was not empty, but this substance seems to be just as potent with or without empty stomach.

After 90 minutes I'm reaching the peak of the effects, and around here I lose complete grip of ordinary reality, and internal fantasies and psychedelic visions apparently take control of my physical body, losing completely any sort of control. Last thing I remember is that I was feeling discomfort, feeling like I had too much energy, having too much energy, and worrying that I am dead (ego death I suppose). I could not feel my heart, and soon I accept that it is too late, and my spirit might already have left my body. So not knowing what to do with myself, having all this energy, I start dancing around my apartment, and this is where I lose complete control. Unbeknownst to me at the time, all my visions / dreams / fantasies are coming to the surface through intense screaming, and basically letting myself fall around the apartment, throwing my possessions all over the place. Neighbours call the police, and only 3-4 hours into my trip - around the peak - I suddenly find myself in a police cell. As I only got to know later, 5 police officers had to carry my body out of the apartment. Normally I would've been freaked out, but I integrated the strange events into my own fantasies.

Immediately upon arriving, and being put in a cell for the night so that I'd calm down; I get naked, jump and flip around as if practising martial arts, and I do throat singing, doing different yoga-like postures, and meditative positions, showing respect to the police officer standing on the outside with my hands put together and crossed legs. As I lie there on my back, the ceiling was morphing in wonderful ways. I was convinced that I had a direct connection with the spiritual realms (which of course, to which there is some truth) and I was starting to dislike the wall between me and the police officers - I would like to tell them how much I love them, and talk about philosophy and religion - discuss my new enlightened ideas. I am a foreigner in this country and could've gotten imprisoned or thrown out of the country from this crazy episode. On the contrary, nothing happened. I insisted to them that I just had too much to drink. I don't think they believed me, but they let the entire matter slide.

Now, a day later I have about 10 small cuts on my body, from bumping into objects and I wouldn't know what..., and flipping around naked in the prison cell and in the process rubbing my skin against against the plastic mats a bit too much. My vocal cords are very sore from long periods of screaming and throat-singing (a little hobby I have... which during the trip I am pretty sure I actually took to masterful levels, but there were no one there to record.) I am happy that I did not endure any lasting physical injury, nor did I get in legal trouble or get evicted from my apartment.

In the prison cell, I only first started wondering where I was after a few hours of sleep and waking up in the night. It was certainly the most bizarre and dangerous trip I have had, while at the same time a rich, fantastic experience, so full of imagination and wonder. But for now I will take a break, maybe wait for a different RC substance to come up ...

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87284
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Sep 21, 2010Views: 8,796
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2C-D (103), Police / Customs (60) : Overdose (29), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Alone (16)

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