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Euphoria with a Poignant Come Down
Citation:   Pitchblende. "Euphoria with a Poignant Come Down: An Experience with MDAI (exp87621)". Oct 9, 2010.

50 mg insufflated MDAI (powder / crystals)
We began our experience with around 0.05g, insufflated. We were quite drunk at this point. It creates a fantastic high, to be frank, although an alarmingly sexual one. One of us felt this way, the other not. Felt euphoric, but not wasted, despite clearly being wasted.

High is much like MDMA, but more grounded. As the night wore on, the enjoyment gradually, comfortably subsided. We found it hard not to succumb to repeated dosings, though.

With each hit, we felt the same high, but for shorter duration. Eventually, we felt somewhat depraved: essentially dosing just to feel good (or normal), more or less dependent. Much as we used to think this drug was a safe high, the reality of its addictive properties came to light this evening. The bag is finished now, and in many ways I am glad.

Made us both not really care how we were acting. Again alcohol is a confounding factor.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87621
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Oct 9, 2010Views: 9,328
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MDAI (499) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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