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Twing Twanged
Citation:   tantrick. "Twing Twanged: An Experience with GHB & LSD (exp87715)". Erowid.org. Jan 9, 2018. erowid.org/exp/87715

20 hits oral GHB (liquid)
  250 ug sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
After about 6 weeks of non stop weekend LSD trips, I came across a dude who had some GHB on him.

Being neighbors, we happily shared. He carried his G in a perfume bottle so it could be easily sprayed in the mouth in measured dosages. He recommended that 20 spurts would take care of me for a few hours for sure.

So I spurted the G, popped the blot and we set out for partying.

5 mins after the G spurts, I was much happier and joyful. Had more energy then before, but not so much like ecstasy, more like alcohol energy.

As the night progressed, I could feel psuedo separations of body parts. For example, my head felt like it was way up and very light. After about 4 hours of happy laughing and socializing, I walked home about 10 mins from the club.

Once I got home and was to my own devices, things changed a bit. I put on the usual psychedelic fast beats I listen too and closed my eyes to let the visuals take over. The visuals were a bit different from usual lsd visuals. They had more pulsating energy pounding with the beats, and way different colours and patterns that I usually experience on lsd alone.

After an hour of this mindshow, I decided to slap on some p8rn and then it was a whole day of hardnezz..I remembered my friend telling me its also an aphrodisiac and I had a wild time and wished I had a woman, she would go nuts! (next weekend that was corrected!)

Anyways after 2 weekends of G, I decided against doing it again, as the hangover was massive and the next day was difficult to think and mostly felt like a stump. Had weird feelings in my brain and eyes had trouble focusing on a single object.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87715
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jan 9, 2018Views: 1,941
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LSD (2), GHB (25) : Combinations (3), Club / Bar (25)

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