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Long-term Use
Citation:   chmod me. "Long-term Use: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp87729)". May 31, 2021.

200 - 900 mg oral Diphenhydramine
I have been a regular user of diphenhydramine for well over almost two years now. I began taking it to relieve anxiety-induced insomnia and have continued taking it during periods when I am not experiencing insomnia to continue blunting the anxiety a bit. The dosage has varied over time. I have taken as much as 900mg over several hours in one night, but averaged, during the first year at least, 400-500mg 4-5 nights a week. In the last six months, I've decreased the dosage to 200mg, sometimes supplementing with 50-100mg more as the effects start to fade.

When I first started the effects were not unpleasant. Most frequently, and the most hoped for effect, is a feeling of floating. My balance, coordination and spatial recognition are all affected and reaching out to touch something with my hand has often been an interesting experience - sometimes in that I miss the object totally, but more often in that it feels like I'm moving in slow-motion or through water and when I do actually reach an object the feel is surprising.

I've only experienced full-blown hallucinations twice, but will often see translucent spider and worm-like creatures on the walls, flooring and bed. I almost always lose the ability to focus my sight on close-up print and usually have some memory impairment. I don't consider these negative side effects as much as interesting ones to experience.

However, I have had an increase in negative side effects over time, especially in the last six months. I feel like my heart is beating faster, though when I measure my pulse, it's usually below 90. I've started to experience more severe dizziness and some nausea. In the last few months, it's really started to become a miserable experience, but it at least provides me something to focus on other than my real issues.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87729
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: May 31, 2021Views: 896
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Post Trip Problems (8), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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