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Like MDMA Without the Stimulation
Citation:   Dandamano. "Like MDMA Without the Stimulation: An Experience with MDAI (exp87808)". Oct 26, 2010.

200 mg oral MDAI (powder / crystals)
I recently aquaired 1gram of mdai from an online vendor, it's appreance was white crystals and had a very sweet smell and taste to it.

The night arrived that I had put aside to try it. I took 200MG orally at 11pm.

t+0.30- feel a slight tingle in my legs but feel at baseline

T+1.00 - I think I'm comming up, it's feels strange it's like comming up on MDMA but without the mental effects

T+1.30 - I'm defantly up now my mind feels cleared and relaxed and the music is sounding good, but there's no stimulation at all.

T+2.00 - still feeling relaxed and having a good conversation with my friends , my pupils are huge but still no stimulation even though my teeth are grinding .

T+3.00 - decide to walk to the garage to buy some more smokes, everything feels nice and calm  and we are still chatting away.

T+4.30 - effects feel all but gone now and decide to go to bed and sleep comes pretty easy.

Next day- Wake up feeling pretty sick and I soon am. I can't keep anything down for the next two hours but after that passes i feel fine with no other negitive effect.

In conclusion this subtance has a Lot of similaritys to MDMA mentally and physically, but it feels like something is missing, probally due to the lack of stimulation, next time I will try with a low dose stimulation to see the effect.

Be safe

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87808
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Oct 26, 2010Views: 17,853
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MDAI (499) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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