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Inspired, Motivated, and Moved
Citation:   JMAC. "Inspired, Motivated, and Moved: An Experience with MDMA & LSD (exp87826)". Aug 3, 2018.

T+ 0:00
3 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:15 2 tablets oral LSD (pill / tablet)
  T+ 6:15   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Lucy Treats a First Timer Like Alice

Dallas: 10/16/2010 (18yrs old, 2 smartees approx 4 drops, it was soaked, and 3 x pills) I arrived at the club around 12:15AM, quite a late start. I popped 3 tabs of ex about an hour before and was rollin pretty hard walking in the door, I wanted to talk to someone who was tripping on A before I dropped because I wanted some reassurance that I would be safe.

12:30, It was my first time going down the rabbit whole with lucy, but she treated me well. 1:00, a warm sensation coursing through my spine turned in to full body euphoria. Another 30min passed and my vision began getting hazy, and I blanked. I forgot where I was and had no idea why the walls were beginning the inhale and exhale like a living being, or why my arm looked as if it had been outlined in bold. On the brink of breaking down I was saved by a familiar face. The size of his pupils reminded me where I was, and it was time to party. The room continued to grow smaller and larger and an increased rate until it matched the sick bass that Laid Back Luke was layin down. I enjoyed the hallucinations. I had tried shrooms before and 'thought' I saw something, but lucy introduced me to a world that was alive.

2:00, I sat down with my black RayBan Aviators on with a slight smirk in the darkness. The hallucinations grew stronger with every passing minute I looked into the crowd with my field of vision tinted an intensely dark hue of pink. I began to laugh as the beautiful dallas lights began to trace in my vision blinding me with beautiful colors. I closed my eyes and they slowly dissipated.

3:00, I was feeling friendly so I invited this beautiful blonde to have a seat and 'talk'. Her skin was glowing and her hair seemed to be moving, and reaching to caress my neck. She told me she was on ecstasy, and asked me what was with the sunglasses. I showed her my eyes and told her what I had taken. She was very interested and I shared with her what I was seeing. She leaned in and kissed me because she wanted me to tell her how it felt. As soon as our lips touched, and her hands wandered, The bass dropped in the room and the sound I heard was that of putting your head out the window of a moving car doing 80mph down the freeway. After about 10 minutes of that I began to get overwhelmed and overheated so I backed off and walked to the bar to get a bottle of water. The water that dripped off the bottle appeared to run up my arm and cool my chest every time I took a drink.

4:00, The club closed and I was ready to go home and enjoy my trip safely. My friend was sober by the time we left so he drove of course. The road constantly changed from black to white as we cruised north on hwy75 and the car ride seemed to take a mere 15minutes.

5:30, I had no perception of time, the next few hours were spent smoking some bud at the house and sharing what I was seeing with my friends who had never tried it, they had to leave at 6 to get home. With 4 Cigarettes left in my pack of Marlboro 54s I had taken full control of my trip and was determined to make this the mind expanding experience I had been longing for, something to remind me of how beautiful the world really is.

6:30, Opened up the garage and took a chair outside, with my eyes trained on the pulsating sky with scattered stars that made me blush when they 'winked' at me, a cigarette in my hand, and a bottle of orange juice at my feet I was on top of the world.

6:45, The sun began to rise beginning with a shimmering deep blood red that rose into a light orange creating a rainbow of colors that looked to me as if they were releasing sheet lighting into the clouds of their respective color. It was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen in my life, I felt inspired, motivated, and moved that god would create such a mural that would be the envy of the worlds most famous artists, just for me. A strong surge of emotion raced through my body, and a single tear slid down my cheek as came to terms with a personal problem I'd been having for a while now. I haven't thought of her since come to think of it.

7:30, the sun had risen too high and began to strain my ever so dilated pupils. I closed the garage door went up stairs, and took a shower that was quite entertaining.

8:00, asleep comfortable, and warm, experiencing very vivid dreams that I couldn't bring to lucidity, but still enjoyed very much. I had no feeling of nausea what so ever, I just felt warm the whole time. It has had such a positive psychological effect on me, that the next time I have an emotional problem that I cant find clarity on, I will most likely use lucy to tell me the truth.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87826
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 3, 2018Views: 980
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MDMA (3), LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Various (28)

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