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In Social Class
Citation:   Muffin. "In Social Class: An Experience with Ketamine (exp87827)". Mar 1, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I am a 120 Ib 16 year old male with a decent amount of drug experience including marijuana, mdma, dxm, mushrooms, salvia 40x, and a bit of previous ketamine use before this.

It was my last block of school and I had social class I was burning out from the bong hits I took at lunch when I walked into my social class to notice that I had a substitute teacher. After listenin to her talk for while she informed the class that we were going to go to the computer lab for a project. Me and my friend D thought this would be a good time to take some bumps from the gram of K I had recently purchased a few days before. After we entered the computer lab I set out a line of k approximately equal to 200mg. I railed the line and my nose burned pretty badly.. 

10 minutes passed and I was shaking pretty uncontrollably, this could have just been anxiety for the effects to start or the effects already slightly starting. About 5 minutes later I started getting the dream like feeling I get on a third plateau dmx high and was enjoying myself as the teacher was minding her own business and I didnt have to deal with talking to her at all.

Another 10 minutes passed and the effects were getting very intense as I lost feeling of my body and my motor skills were greatly reduced I probably would not be able to walk if I tried at this point. D was talking to me and asking me how I felt and I found it very hard to reply to his questions and whenever I answered them I would talk but there would be about a 3 second delay before I would hear my own voice making my speech very slow and slurred.

Another 5 minutes passed and by this time I lost sense of all reality and became very overwhelmed by the intensity of the high I was experiencing. I was in such a dream like state that I became unsure whether any of this was actually happening.

I kept thinking I would see the teacher walk up to me but those were just haullucinations and the thoughts going through my head were overwhelming. I have had many previous Intense mushroom trips but nothing could compare to my dissociative state that I was in.

I felt disconnected from the world and universe and had intense feelings of fear I had to remind myself many times that this was just the effects of a drug I took and tried to calm myself but it wasnt working. I looked at my hands and saw that they were shrinking and instantly starting freaking out and D had to calm me down. 

A very dark feeling took over me and my vision was strobing and distorting. I was convinced death was upon me and became very frightened again. Time was going by very slowly and I just wished all of this would end as it felt like I was in that computer lab for hours. I felt as if I had to try my hardest and fight so that I wasnt sucked into a k-hole as my soul felt like it was seperating from my body. For a few minutes I thought I was in a completely different place and I saw completely different people but I quickly got a slight touch of reality back.

I was very worried I would be stuck in this state of mind for my whole life and that this would never end. Time was going by very slowly and a loud buzzing noise was in the air. Reality was slowly coming back to me but I was very shooken up and amazed what I had just experienced. 

None of my experiences with mushrooms or salvia can even come close to the dissociative effects I felt. I am trying my best to put this experience into words but no words can describe the way I felt. I had done ketamin 2 times prior to this but in a much smaller dose and the effects were completely different. This experience makes me think there is so much more to life that we may never know about and that we are not inteligent enough to fully understand the universe and how everything works.

I am writing this report the night of the experience and am still overwhelmed with what I had experienced. Although this was a bad trip I will probably do k again in the near future as I would like to experience a k-hole just defiantly not at school.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87827
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Mar 1, 2018Views: 806
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), School (35)

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