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Grinding It Up
Morning Glory
Citation:   Richie. "Grinding It Up: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp87856)". Feb 13, 2020.

250 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
Perfect Preparation Perfect Experience

I've visited a number of Mayan sites in Mexico and was amazed at the craftsmanship and sophistication. I couldn't bring myself to believe the Mayan Shaman just ingested these seeds and experienced the uncomfortable side effects that reportedly ensue.

I was certain they would have had a prep method that resulted in a comfortable experience. Not wanting to procure synthetic chemical as described in some prep methods, I got thinking about the possibilities.Knowing a bit about seed physiology I've come up with the following prep method; using this method I experienced a nice ride with no nausea or other ill effect on three separate occasions. A friend also used this method and also had no ill effects.

I used the following method to produce a dose of 250 seeds -

1) Soak seeds in water until they show first signs of germination, seed coat splits. Takes 12 to 24 hours. The seed root may slightly emerge.

*****takes about 30-45 minutes to prepare from here.

2) Remove seeds from water using a sieve and thoroughly rinse seeds.

3) Use a paper towel to pat dry.

4) Take a seed between forefinger and thumb and squeeze, The brown/black seed coat will come off.

5) You will be left with the white inner part of the seed put this aside in a bowl.

6) Discard the seed coat.

7) Place white seed inner back into sieve and rinse. You will notice a clear soapy gooey substance, you want to get rid of this.

8) Place back onto paper towel and pat dry.

9) Place in pestle and mortar and grind up - not too finely - as you want to rinse again in sieve without washing away the material.

10) Rinse again until you notice a significant decrease in soapy goo.

11) I leave to dry and grind further or ingest at this stage. If I leave to dry the material will brown. I dry it and grind it up to make it easier to ingest. Don't use a heat source to dry as this may break down the active substances.

I used the above method on my first experience, I was in a good place mentally and locality wise. The afternoon sun was shining (4pm), I drank down the powered seed with some orange juice and went for a walk down by the river. I think the physical exercised helped bring on the effects, as they came on in approximately 40 minutes with mood elevation and enhanced colours. On returning home I had an increased level of empathy and was experiencing mild visual hallucinations, this peaked and continued for 3-4 hours.
I had an increased level of empathy and was experiencing mild visual hallucinations, this peaked and continued for 3-4 hours.
I had a suppressed apatite and drank small quantities of water regularly through the evening.

By 11pm effects had largely ceased and I went to bed and slept soundly. No hangover.

I took some time with this substance wasn't in a rush for a buzz. Setting my scene and setting and being in a good place, I found Morning Glory to be an enjoyable experience. I have repeated this on two other occasion with much the same outcome.

Thanks to the other experience reporters, they gave me insight into morning glory and the prep methods.

Ki ora


Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87856
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 37
Published: Feb 13, 2020Views: 850
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Preparation / Recipes (30), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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