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'Yellow' Rock Opium?
'Yellow Rock Opium'
Citation:   thx1138. "'Yellow' Rock Opium?: An Experience with 'Yellow Rock Opium' (exp8797)". Aug 15, 2001.

  smoked Red Rock (powder / crystals)
In a dream last night I found myself stroling along the beach, where I picked up a bottle that washed ashore. It read:

after noticing the erowid section on red-rock opium, i reflected on my experiences with the substance and realized I had encountered a version of it that was unfamiliar to the site.

a couple of years ago i encountered in Arkansas a yellow crystaline substance that was being sold as opium. Later that year I encountered so-called red-rock opium and found the effects to be identical, though a little more potent in the red variety. The yellow rock had mild, though not particularily pleasant, effects on its own, however when combined with cannabis it certainly added an interesting tone to the experience.

throughout this time, none of my friends took me seriously when I insisted that this stuff had absolutely no morphine/opiate qualities to it that one would expect from real opium. not to mention the fact that opium us usually black and gummy, not yellow, transparent, and possesing perfect crystaline molecular geometry. i'm very gratefull to erowid for researching this.

Exp Year: 1995ExpID: 8797
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 15, 2001Views: 10,451
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Red Rock (156) : Not Applicable (38), What Was in That? (26), General (1)

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