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A Bad Trip With a Visit to a Dr
Clonazepam & Alcohol (Ethanol)
Citation:   Anonymous. "A Bad Trip With a Visit to a Dr: An Experience with Clonazepam & Alcohol (Ethanol) (exp88099)". Feb 2, 2022.

16 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
    oral Alcohol (liquid)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I had the evening to myself, and my mom had hidden my medications away from me since I was prescribed this medication before some serious surgery that I had. I did some reading under the experiences about taking this drug online and read a persons experience and they only took 8mgs whilst I decided I will try 16mg since I remember experimenting with it before the surgery.

Also with reading the person's experience I saw the mention of alcohol so I decided to drink alcohol as well, and also the mention of no memory and that was exactly what I found.

I ended up dropping 18 of the tablets and when I was doing things outside prior to drinking I thought how beautiful things had become and was feeling relaxed then I started drinking.

During the night a neighbour dropped a pizza in for me, which I picked up and ate the whole thing. No memory.
My mother arrived home and got me to tidy up after myself since I had knocked things over and broken the beer glass, and convinced me to go to bed. No memory.

The next day I was up early and still under the influence minus the alchol with staggering words we visited a place with some family friends and they asked my mother if there was something wrong with me? and my mother says I was off my tree making no sense.

Later on talking to my mother about the day forgetting on what we had got up to I thought it was still Wednesday and my mother decided for me to visit the local Dr on which I went to, mind you some people have a couple of sheets for their dr's visit whilst I have a folder on file for the amount of my visits. Whilst at the Dr I ran through tests and my tests turned out worse than I had done previously, trying to walk in a straight line I found difficult I appeared as if I was very drunk and I was very slow and also had a blood test on which I don't know the results of as yet which I need to think of excuses for.

I learnt all this from my carer since he visited the Dr with me as well as my mother and I was told I could have landed up in the psychiatric ward as well as the possibility of having a stroke.

Consider this a bad experience, but fun for me since I have had countless visits to hospital and Dr's,

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88099
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Feb 2, 2022Views: 983
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125), Alcohol (61) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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