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Very Calm and Fun
Cannabis (extract)
Citation:   jaggerjack. "Very Calm and Fun: An Experience with Cannabis (extract) (exp88169)". Feb 23, 2019.

2 ml oral Cannabis (extract)
  3 ml buccal Cannabis (extract)
Prior substance use: Marijuana, Alcohol, Kratom, Nitrous. Marijuana use the night before.

I made some green dragon about a week earlier and was excited to try it out. The night before I had had some but I wasn’t really sure if it worked since I had smoked too.

T+0.00: Managed to get the stuff down. 2 mL drunk and 3 mL dropped onto toilet paper and held in mouth. I made a mistake of not finding some grain liquor and using mint extract instead. It tasted very, very bad. I knew the effects took a while and was expecting it to be rather mild.

After about an hour I walked to dinner with Z and P. While walking I began to feel slightly stimulated and euphoric.
I began to feel slightly stimulated and euphoric.
I was good friends with Z so told him that I had taken it, P did not know (and couldn’t tell). He chastised me for being goofy.

When we got to restaurant I really realized how much it was affecting me. It felt great, only positive feelings. Retained the majority of my mental facilities, which rarely happens to me when I smoke, and had a great, warm, euphoric body high. I was interested in all the conversations around me. After we had dinner we walked around and I felt a subtle magic in everything.

In total it lasted about 6 hours. This was a significantly better experience than the few times I have smoked recently and I could see it being used in social settings as it is so low key.

[Reported Dose: 0.25 g]

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88169
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 125
Published: Feb 23, 2019Views: 1,283
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Cannabis (1) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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