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Aphrodisiac and Energy
Citation:   barrimentrs. "Aphrodisiac and Energy: An Experience with 4-Fluoroamphetamine (exp88267)". Jan 29, 2015.

  oral 4-Fluoroamphetamine (powder / crystals)
For my first time, I acquired this stuff off the internet.

I opened the packet and the smell (as others have reported) is like citrus, I'd say more chemically than just citrus, and licked a little, (as others) very chemical taste, very strong. I put the dose (about 150mg what I eyed is) into a cup and added water, skulled it, then chased it with some flavoured water.

I felt the excitement immediately, and 30 minutes (a little early of 30minutes) the effects up and down quickly to a nice plateau of quite an amazing stimulant effect with some (how to describe) emotional exaggeration on top. Nothing like an e, but emotional, more like as if amphetamine was trying to make an e effect. Soon after I really needed to 'relieve' some sexual tension, and felt a spiritual experience, I can sort out my issues very quickly, I'm more sensible than normal. I am more in control than normal (I can exert self control more powerfully). Extremely powerful sexual feeling. Would really greatly improve a sexual experience (the love emotions of it).

Later, in a group I felt great, in control, not nervous.

Summary: definitely a good feeling, very powerful stimulant (as in exercise), sudden comedown about ~5 hours later a few (not very) uncomfortable moments before comedown like restlessness (very subtle) . A very nice complete come off like feeling (not really) after able to eat a full dinner and relax beautifully.

Again ill say it's like as if amphetamine trying to make e feelings. Improves my capabilities in thought and self-control. Its not a weak drug. A slight headache type thing stings (just like stabs) on the comedown (not disturbing for me at all).

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88267
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 29, 2015Views: 9,096
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4-Fluoroamphetamine (276) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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