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Surprisingly Strong
MDAI & Codeine
Citation:   Moovin Groovin. "Surprisingly Strong: An Experience with MDAI & Codeine (exp88304)". Nov 20, 2010.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram  
  T+ 0:00 200 mg oral MDAI (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 100 mg oral MDAI (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 75 mg insufflated MDAI (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 160 mg oral Codeine (liquid)
  T+ 3:40 45 mg insufflated MDAI (powder / crystals)
  T+ 9:30 64 mg oral Codeine  
I have used Codeine once, extracted from Co Codamol tablets using CWE (which works), and MDAI once as well.

Here is a brief background:
I have used MDMA, Meph, Coke, LSD, Alcohol, K, Shrooms, Diazepam and many other drugs very heavily and as a result am currently taking Citalopram for panic disorder. I have been clean until last week in which I took 200mg of Diazepam. This is the first time I have combined opiates and SSRA's and I will be reporting my experience as I go. I took 20mg of Citalopram this morning.

I am alone in my room listening to music through headphones, at night in bed, relaxed and happy. Im in a safe place.

I took 200mg MDAI in a parachute at 7.30pm

T+ 30mins: - Tingling in the legs, not much else

T+ 1 hr: took another 100mg od MDAI and Sniffed a 75 mg line. Feeling definate euphoric come-up, similar to Mandy or drone but of course much weaker. Desire to talk to others, listen to music. I am on my own and want to talk to mates on facebook chat strongly. Sexual desire increasily very steadily.

T + 1.30hr: Pretty damn euphoric. Typing faster, but losing some eye coordination like with meph or mandy. I have now drunk most of a codeine solution prepared earlier.

T + 1.45hr: Shaky sort of euphoria, excited to type so keep making slip ups. There will probably be spelling mistakes lol. Drank rest of Codeine, hoping the paracetamol has been fully extracted.

Should now have consumed about 160mg of Codeine and 300+ mg of MDAI.

T + 1.50hr: Urge to orgasm very strong, will try, but last time I tried this on MDAI it took about 1 hr, on MDMA it takes about 2 hrs and on Mephedrone about 4 hrs.

T + 2.10hr: Gave up on that, cant be bothered, have been grabbed by music, would much rather lie back and listen to it: 'The tree knows everything' - Adam F.

Am so relaxed and happy I want to see all my friends, tell everyone I love them, and explain everything on here. The codeine is kicking in and s giving me a warm body high. My care about everything is decreasing.
Teeth are not grinding but almost feel like they want to. Closing my eyes gives pleasant wavey visuals. Am on shuffle on my media player, usually I would skip through 99% of the songs as I have a lot, but literally everything that comes on seems perfect, even though there are many contrasting styles of music playing.
Pulse is up a bit. Hornyness gone down significantly, keeps going up and down in waves.

T+ 2.15 hr: Cafe del mar has just come on, one of my favourite MDMA and general euphoria tracks, should lift euphoria significantly on the breakdown (u know what im talking about), we'll see....

YES!!! Getting lost in the music!!
Codeine solution has given slightly unpleasant bitter aftertaste, will quash it!

T+ 2.40hr: MDAI is probably wearing off but am still going up and up in euphoria, probably down to the codeine!! :)

feel high in every part of body not just mind

slighty itchy arms (opiates)

T+ 2.45hr: This is the most perfect high ive had for ages, comes in 4th in terms of drugs, with MDMA at the top, Meph, Ketamine and then this.

T + 3.30hrs: Very relaxed and happy, quite focused, able to hide fuckedness to parents. Pupils are not dilated, music sounds wonderful. Havent been able to orgasm. Feeling quite sedated, quite yawny

Sniff about 45mg MDAI ten mins later.

Just relaxing listening to music, talking to m8 on facebook. The music is all around me, beautiful, trance. Feel very relaxed, tingly, happy, sleepy.

T + 4 hrs, got up to have a piss, turned on light and colours were much brighter and more defined than usual, more so maybe even than LSD.

I took another 64mg of Codeine at aboout 5am, felt incredibly relaxed, pupils still not dilated. The pleasant head rushes continued until 10am when I finally fell asleep. I woke up two hrs later feeling tired but apart from that, fine! I would definatley try this combo again, the euphoria was suprisingly strong and long lasting. It should be prepared for however as I did not manage sleep until 10 the following morning: dont do it if you have work the next day!!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88304
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Nov 20, 2010Views: 13,547
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Codeine (14), MDAI (499) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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