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An Interesting, but Short, Buzz
Catnip & Tobacco
by J.P
Citation:   J.P. "An Interesting, but Short, Buzz: An Experience with Catnip & Tobacco (exp8833)". Oct 28, 2001.

  smoked Catnip (leaves)
My friend was recently suspected by his mom of smoking pot. She then bought a Urine test, but never gives it to him, hoping it will prevent him from smoking weed. Well it has. So we decided to find a good high elsewhere. We have often heard that smoking small amounts of catnip would produce a weed-like buzz, so we figured a lot would get us stoned. We mixed tobacco with catnip (Won't work well otherwise) and starting using Gravity Hits. Almost instantly after holding in a hit, we both felt a buzz. However, the buzz peaks at about 60 seconds then subsides. After smoking 15 bowls we finally realized this. However, we did laugh a bit more for about 30 min, but the felling wasn't even close to smoking low grade weed. Although inhaling catnip isn't too bad, when you exhale a very bad taste engulfs your neck.

I don't recommend this to anyone looking for a legal or cheap high. The effects are so short that you can't enjoy them. The taste is pretty yucky. If you never had a buzz before, dont waste your time trying to get one with catnip. But hey, you do get to tell people you've smoked catnip before :)

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8833
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2001Views: 26,451
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Catnip (68) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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