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Feeling Was Much More Calming
Kratom & Alcohol
Citation:   wabbit. "Feeling Was Much More Calming: An Experience with Kratom & Alcohol (exp88366)". Oct 16, 2018.

  oral Kratom (extract)
    oral Alcohol  
After many failures trying to get any effect from Kratom I finally found a method that worked.

What had failed: 1 tablespoon of 15x kratom (lite brown powder) w/ warm grapefruit juice (resulted in a very tiny itchy sensation and nothing more)
Another failure: 1 tablespoon of 20x new guinea kratom (dark brown to black-green powder) w/ warm grapefruit juice (resulted in full body itchies and nothing more)

I am 6'3' tall and 300lbs and thought that maybe I wasn't doing enough... Turns out I was doing it all wrong at far too large a dose. I have very little drug experience but really want to try more... Only tried alcohol and failed-uses of kratom before this experience.

After reading about alternative methods of ingestion (I hate the taste of kratom, it was almost impossible to swallow even with chasing with OJ and a soda) I discovered the concept of parachuting. To parachute Kratom, I used one square of toilet paper and peeled it so that it was only 1-thin-piece and put 1/2 teaspoon of 15x kratom extract and 1/2 teaspoon 20x new guinea extract in the middle of the square, bringing all for courners up and twist it so that it looked like a miniature comet. Placed the heavy part of the wad on the back of my tounge and slammed-down water quickly till I felt the wad make it to my tummy. I like the 24oz cans of Mike's Hard Punch (8% alcohol / 16-proof) and I began to take 1-oz-at-a-time swigs to get the taste of tissue and the bitter burps taste out.

I hadn't eaten for 12-hours when I prepared my 1 teaspoon of mixed powder parachute and slammed it down with water and began sipping my fruity 16-proof punch. I continued sipping the can till all 24-ounces were gone, took about 10-mins.

While I was sipping the alcohol, I felt a very different buzz come-up. The feeling was much more calming, almost like sitting in the jets of a hottub. I began to get hot and sweat and it felt wonderful. I layed down and not-moving felt like I was in a cloud-of-lite-vibrations/buzz. I was awake but felt just amazingly mello. I was so happy after years of reading all the experiences people have had and I finally was feeling a psycoactive experience beyond-alcohol.

I laid in bed for 4-hours and the wonderful nothingness buzz lasted the whole time. I then ate some food and that killed my buzz almost-immediately. Then went to bed and slept normally and woke up with no hangover but a bit of cottonmouth.

I hope to try other substances if I ever find them.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88366
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Oct 16, 2018Views: 3,158
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