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The Shallow End
Citation:   the dreamer. "The Shallow End: An Experience with 2C-E (exp88454)". Jun 16, 2011.

5.2 mg oral 2C-I
Dosage: 5.2mg
Set: Stable and relaxed.
Setting: Sunday in the house with wife and 2 house cats.

This was my first experience with 2CE. I couldn’t find a report of a single dose this low for 2CE. I am a firm believer in getting familiar with the shallow end before entering the deep end with any substance. And of course sharing these experiences is equally important. So here it is.

12pm – Took a crumb from the bag of 2CE to make sure there weren’t any lab mix-ups.

2pm – Still at baseline so I take 5.2mg.

3:30pm-8:30pm – This is the duration for what was a very light peak.

The overall effects at this dose for me were:
- Surfaces have a soft glow.
- There were light waving hallucinations are only noticed when I stare at the floor for longer than 20 seconds.
- My energy was increased and transformed into a giddy, nervous tone that was fully manageable.
- My thoughts are a bit jumbled but I was still able to take business calls as well as talk to my mother on the phone.

Conclusion: Although not a dose I would repeat again, it worked as a friendly introduction to what I expect to be a challenging ally. It was a light enough effect that I would consider doubling the dose for the next trail.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88454
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Jun 16, 2011Views: 5,370
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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