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Several Attempts With Varying Techniques
Citation:   jaggerjack. "Several Attempts With Varying Techniques: An Experience with DMT (exp88460)". Aug 21, 2018.

  smoked DMT
DMT Trials

This report details a number of attempts I have had with DMT. I am a 17 year old male with experience with cannabis, nitrous, kratom, alcohol, and shrooms. It can be assumed that cannabis was consumed within the week of each experience.

(Failed) Attempt 1 (11/10)
Test tube and bic lighter with 18 mg of DMT loaded in it. No effects which is probably good because of the awful setting.

(Failed) Attempt 2 (11/11)
Three short attempts using a light bulb and a bic lighter. Two hours between attempts.
1. 20 mg. No effects
2. 25 mg. Slight panic due to the very quick onset which melded into a calm relaxation with slight visual distortions. At least I knew I extracted something active.
3. 33 mg. Same as before sans the visuals.

It takes lots of patience to vape DMT. Lots of smoke is a bad (not good) thing as I later learned. So I made the Machine using some a hot sauce bottle and a copper scrubby.

Attempt 3 (11/19)
Chilling in S’s garage along with. We were excited to inaugurate the Machine. S informed me that I had to hold it in for about 10s to get any where with it. We had a regular lighter and a heat gun at our disposal and tried both out. We repeatedly loaded 10-20 mg into the pipe and gave it a crack. The heat gun didn’t really work so we went with the lighter. Nice CEVs, a black and green snake moving around. This was getting close to a success.

(Successful) Attempt 4 (11/24)
Loaded about 50 mg (I was looking for a breakthrough but happily did not get there) into the Machine. I positioned myself in a sleeping bag in front of a mirror and slowly heated the DMT with a regular lighter. When it began slightly smoking I started to toke and backed off with the heat. In retrospect I should have kept the heat where it was.

DMT buzz began kicking in and again it was nervous anxiety. Here’s what I wrote after the experience had ended. Holy moly. Damn it is loud. My flesh and body were red and melting into everything else. It was intriguing yet grotesque. This was a little scary. Looking at the mirror I wasn’t sure what I was seeing and every time I was surprised to see me. It was like I didn’t expect it to be my own reflection. I had lost perception of the body. I tried toking a bit more but couldn’t taste what I was doing or feel my fingers do decided to stop instead of burn them. The mental feeling changed to a positive like overcoming nervousness. When I closed my eyes I saw things, patterns and apish creatures. Light had a bit of an aura but not as much as I was expecting. I feel like the light clouded the trip. If I put my hands over my eyes I was in a distinctly different place than without them.

In summary. It paid of to be patient. I would have had my ass kicked if my first trip was my last one.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88460
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 21, 2018Views: 1,341
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DMT (18) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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