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Because My Bladder Hurt So Badly
Citation:   isawstars. "Because My Bladder Hurt So Badly: An Experience with Ketamine (exp88503)". Mar 15, 2018.

  repeated   Ketamine
Ketamine and Bladder

I started using ketamine several years ago as part of my usual recreational drug cocktail while clubbing or at house parties. There was a period of time when my neighbour had a steady supply, I think this went on for about a year, and I remember taking it during the week as well as on the weekends during that time.

I'd had bladder pain for several years before that. At first I thought it was food related and stopped eating gluten, and saw several urologists, who couldn't help. Antibiotics were ineffective. I started missing work. Then I moved, started partying less, and stopped taking ketamine.

I'm a member of some message boards because of my bladder problems and was shocked to discover a site linked to them containing warnings about ketamine and the bladder. I vowed never to use ketamine again.

And I was successful, until last weekend, when I bought some weak charlie and was too tempted by the cheap k that I took it to counterbalance my little purchasing mishap. K is my favourite drug. Rarely a hangover, perfectly dissociative, social. But the bladder pain I am experiencing now is surely not psychosymptomatic.

And I am remembering those times I had to leave the party because my bladder hurt so badly, and I didn't know why. Worth it?

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88503
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 15, 2018Views: 1,546
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Ketamine (31) : Not Applicable (38), Health Problems (27)

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