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2C-I Will Never See the Same Again
Citation:   Michael H. "2C-I Will Never See the Same Again: An Experience with 2C-I (exp88747)". Jun 7, 2018.

15 mg oral 2C-I (capsule)
I am a psychonaught. I love taking psychedelics and exploring the relatively unknown human mind. I've had experience with; Marijuana, Salvia, Kratom, Mushrooms, LSD, 2C-B, 2C-E, 2C-T-2, Opiates, Cocaine, MDMA, Amphetamines, 4-Acetoxy-DMT, and a few others. I acquired 20mg of 2C-I a few months ago. I was reading up on how the compound was iodinated. Which even though I already had the chemical in my possession, was giving me a strange feeling about trying it. I was thinking about just giving it away, or letting someone else buy it from me... But no, I was stubborn, I didn't trust my intuition about the iodinated vision destroyer.

About 2 weeks ago I decided to cap up 15 Milligrams of this substance and give it a shot. What did I have to lose right? Little did I know what would come the next day.

So about my trip, the come up felt a bit like MDMA... Lots of euphoria, and lots of good vibes and positive feelings coming from within me. About 3 or 4 hours in, the comedown, things started to get really psychedelic, warping walls, I couldn't tell what shape my room was, and I couldn't read. (not because of my head space, it was relatively clear the whole time, but because the words on the screen were dancing around to the dubstep I was listening too) In Summary, the trip was lacking a mental aspect, similar to 2C-B but even more bland of a head space. Mentally, I felt almost sober the entire experience, besides what I was seeing, and feeling.

Now, onto the point of this report... The after effects. The next day I woke up feeling more or less normal. Everything was a bit fuzzy... I figured 'Oh, that is normal I just woke up.' As the day progressed my vision still remained fuzzy, or filled with static. Nothing was still, it was like everything was radiating some sort of fuzz, chairs, walls, computer screens, doors, posters, etc., etc... My entire vision was FUZZY. I thought 'What the fuck is going on here?'

It is now 2 weeks later and I have developed mild HPPD from an average dose of 2C-I. The most notable symptom is 'Visual Snow' as it is referred to most commonly. I am optimistic that it will go away, but after reading up on HPPD, and Visual Snow, it is not likely.

The trip is excellent, but in my opinion it isn't worth the possible damage to vision, and possibly more, considering it is not heavily researched. I have done all sorts of psychedelics and thought that this would never happen to me. Now look at me, just the other day I broke down crying when I woke up and still saw the 'Static' or 'Visual Snow' everywhere. My Vision may never be the same again! :(

I plan on taking psychedelics again. However, I will never under ANY circumstances take 2C-I again!

Much Love,

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88747
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 7, 2018Views: 1,561
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2C-I (172) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Unknown Context (20)

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