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Being Cautious With It
by Ant
Citation:   Ant. "Being Cautious With It: An Experience with Yohimbe (exp88771)". May 7, 2018.

0.25 tsp oral Yohimbe (ground / crushed)
I have been using pure, ground yohimbe root powder for years. The key is to start small. I NEVER take a full teaspoon of ANYTHING new. Maybe a half tsp at the most.

For sexual usage, I start with small amounts the day before. (1/8th tsp for the whole day before) The day of, I use the same formulation with the option of adding an extra half of the original dosage and ingesting slowly throughout the day. For athletics, 5 to 1 hours before is good enough for pharmaco effects to enhance athletic performance. AGAIN, I use less than 1/5 tsp. The key is to ingest slowly and drawn out over time. Works well with similar looking cinnamon. Capsaicin has positive synergistic effects.

I have also smoked the powdered yohimbe mixed in with other smokables. I START SMALL!!

Exp Year: 2000-2010ExpID: 88771
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: May 7, 2018Views: 1,725
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