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That Night Felt Perfect
GHB & Cocaine
Citation:   Ms.Kitty. "That Night Felt Perfect: An Experience with GHB & Cocaine (exp88821)". Jan 25, 2018.

3 caps oral GHB (liquid)
  0.5 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  500 mg insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
My male partner and I drank the GHB in apple juice and started a bath. We each took a small half shot of alcohol. The effects were quick.

Twenty minutes in we began to feel very drunk, wobbly, elated, silly, and it was difficult to stand up straight. It was at this point we each did our lines of cocaine. Within seconds I felt every positive brain chemical rush into my head. My partner laid down on the floor and made angels in the carpet as he laughed and smiled. I got into a hot shower and did nothing but stand under the water and feel amazing for a long time. It was difficult to stand up straight, but I felt no negative side effects at all, and usually every drug in the book makes me feel sick to my stomach. I felt no negative effects, only total elation.

After my partner was finished with his carpet angels, and the coke and settled, we had sex in the shower. I would say similar to sex on E but even better. When I closed my eyes I had closed eye visuals while we had great sex in the shower. These activities moved into the bed room. Getting out of the shower into the cold felt exhilarating and positive as well, not harsh or unpleasant.

After a long sexual session we cuddled and fell asleep. The sleep was very relaxing, refreshing, deep and long. I felt no hangover the next day and felt refreshed and felt more positive then I had the day before our experience.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88821
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 25, 2018Views: 3,740
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GHB (25), Cocaine (13) : Glowing Experiences (4), Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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