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Closure After Long Strange Trip
Mushrooms - P. mexicana
Citation:   beingsofnowness. "Closure After Long Strange Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. mexicana (exp88902)". Feb 10, 2016.

2 g oral Mushrooms - P. mexicana
Substance: psilocybe mexicana
Amount: 2 grams
Didn't eat for a while then ate them and wrote this

We're all woven together, all people
We are weavers
Like birds and we can fly is we dream
It was kwanzaa and I realized who I was
Kind of a freak, I mean ill admit it,
Lycaeum people started to follow me secretly and cheaply imitate the sacred (partly my fault)
Spirits maybe it was healing
But it scared me
I wrote foolishly but found a part of myself
I want to break that bond now (to lycaeum and random internet places)
And find kindred spirits who can be here in the physical world
Thats most important to me
And the healing I do
The creator blessed me with so much but I have to find the right place to share it, blessed me and also made me a wierd ass, random as oats kind of girl hehe

Uphold honesty
And follow me heart
I am one with my heart

I hope this resolves any tension there may be between me and people for words or actions
Understand I am mostly blind unguided, and I'm also hearing 'schizophrenic'
But I'm learning to hear inner wisdom through listening and experience
I definitely have made mistakes, and mistakes have been made about me,
But I grow from them and move on as we understand more

Children are saints like maria sabina says
Let us remember sometimes the best healing cana be a bit like the trickster confounding or frustrating at first
From unexpected places, or bitter medicine
So the old are also saints and old spirits, bodhisattvas can take any form the universe teaches with everything

Our Higher Selves/Self brings everything to us for a reason
They don't waste anything, we gravitate back spontaneously and irresistibly to embody them

Great mother, and remember words are only words

And it came back full circle to anya and to pond, we were there
And we listened to modest mouse on shitty headphones and it was so deep and meaning and we flew
Isaac brock is a genius song writer, moon and antartica, we fully lived that album
And I knew Jah

Then we went out to the street among the tricksters ini and sang and did merry happy holiday things,
Saw the great trees and the snow, everything is so beautiful

Truth is I am irish, and I'm proud to be irish, and I know who my family is and everything, and that's the reason I am crazy now I suppose, kind of a funny mess of a curse which mixed everything up, and even cursed not to have the best memory to recall the exact circumstances... The truth also is that I'm black, and I'm also proud of that because black people are awesome and the world is entirely too effing racist still, but it's gotten and is getting a lot better, which is great, maybe I was racist in a past life, and a more unifying truth is that I'm descendent from weavers... And that's just what it is.

I'm happy to speak for the plant spirits, and help this wisdom to be circulated, because it's important, cannabis and many other plants are great healers, pharm drug companies must cease their foolishness, I just don't understand why these people just want to get richer and richer exploiting others and not even giving the best service, that's messed up and it's actually deeply hurting the world, this is the best way I know to address it, but what goes around comes around and as isaac brock sings in the modest mouse song, the third planet

'if you go astray long enough you end up where you were'

I consider myself kind of a yogi as well, and I take responsibility for all in my consciousness, because in the end, it's all kind of a joke, I've always felt like that life is art, and art is what's inside, if we collectively stopped blaming others and took responsibility for our own thoughts and used them to remember and create the paradise which this planet and which our spirits truly hold, theres no doubt it would happen, and I think really it would be pretty easy...

Until then, we'll be rocking out...

Peace n love aigy

Yomos blessin to ye!

[link / lyrics to Modest Mouse - Third Planet]

And the schizophrenia is the voice in me head, the truth the primordial spirit that will never go, no matter who tries to obscure, and yeah..
Love.. Love

Now I officially take a break from this internet shit, because its gone to far and its getting stupid, I'm not like.. I don't even know, most things I just do because they're funny, this is the closure, it's been long and weird as they say


Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88902
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 10, 2016Views: 1,574
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Mushrooms - P. mexicana (193) : Alone (16), Poetry (43), General (1)

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