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Strongest Weirdest Experience of My Entire Life
Citation:   jdizz. "Strongest Weirdest Experience of My Entire Life: An Experience with Ketamine (exp88958)". Mar 1, 2018.

  IV Ketamine (liquid)
Martin Luther K Hole

My friend and I had just returned to my house from a rave we went to in Baltimore. I was excited because I had found a 20 bag of k in the bathroom and had held onto it with the specific intent of k holing for the first time in the safety of my own house, instead of just snorting it at the party. Since I was sharing it with my friend and we only had a small amount, we decided to inject it intravenously (we were both heroin addicts at the time so we were used to that sort of thing). We both had experiences with shooting miniscule amounts of k and snorting larger amounts as well. However I felt I had never reached a legitimate 'k hole' and I was not prepared for the intensity of the experience.

[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
We didn't have any way to measure the dose so we just split the bag in half and drew it into our syringes (what I believed to be between 10 and 25 milligrams) The last thing I remember in my normal conscious mind was shooting up and saying 'holy shit' as the heavy 'rush' or feeling of being sucked into some sort of ketamine vortex came over my body. After this moment I was not aware that I had taken any drugs or that I was a human.
After this moment I was not aware that I had taken any drugs or that I was a human.
I pretty much had no single memory that I had aquired during my lifetime, or sense of identity. While this seems like it could be scary there was a sense of calmness that blanketed my consciousness. I remember that I had been sitting straight up with my eyes wide open and unblinking. I was sitting in my basement but on k it seemed like a giant white warehouse with a sterile metallic feel.

My surroundings kept changing and contorting in on itself with geometric shapes and lines. I was having all sorts of thoughts of cosmic merging and spiritual teaching that I am not even going to try and explain. It was like my hardest acid trip but times 100. I had no control over my body at all. I remember having the sensation that I was smiling widely and at times I felt as if my human body was talking incessantly but what I was saying was incoherent. It probably would have been disturbing for an onlooker if someone sober had been in the room.

I remember seeing my friend sit next to me with a similar look on his face, but also there were other people sitting on the couch next to us. There is what seemed to be a large black man who reminded me of Martin Luther King. He spoke to me but I can't remember any of what he said. After coming out of the trip I forgot 99.9% of what had happened, so this description is hardly what one can expect to experience in a k hole. Much of coming out of the high was scramibling to re-learn what it is to be a human being, remembering my name, remembering that I had taken such a ridiculous drug. The craziest part was that my friend had also experienced the two other people that I had also seen sitting next to us. He also had a sensation of some god like MLK figure speaking to him. This was extremely bizarre to both of us. I looked on tv and saw that CNN's Black in America had been playing the entire time, which I guess can explain MLK, but not the hallucination of actually speaking and learning from him.

In summary, K HOLING IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE. I enjoyed the experience, but it was definitely the strongest weirdest drug experience of my entire life. I would do it again, but I need to have time between these things. I now feel that I am ready, and it was about a year ago that I did this. I will be careful with my dosing, with such a small amount I was completely out of my body and felt like I was in a different dimension completely. It ripped me out of reality in a way that changed my life.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88958
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 1, 2018Views: 1,386
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