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After Boiling I Drank One Full Glass
Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens
Citation:   Qualified Tripper. "After Boiling I Drank One Full Glass: An Experience with Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens (exp88967)". Mar 10, 2020.

  oral Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens (tea)
Blue Meanie Mushroom Brew

Me and both my brothers went out picking early in the morning after a night of rainfall. I had expereinced a trip from gold tops about a month earlier and went back for more the gold tops. They were fairly mild a lot of yawning, dilated pupils after consuming two very large caps by boiling in water and drinking.

This time we stumbled across blue meanies in abundance (Panaeolus cyanescens). Never tried them before between us we collected around 20 each most of them very young & small. When we got back we noticed all the smaller ones were dripping and leeching a blue ink (psilocybin oxidation) a lot more so than the few medium sized ones. We thought this was great cause the majority of em were small and the more potent the better. We wanted to go trippin and there were three of us we were worried there wouldnt be enough because of the size of them.

After boiling I drank one full glass so did one of my brothers the other had a quarter cup all that was left remaining. We walked outside and began a game of cricket. 15min into the game I had to stop, the sky and air around me was a strange blue colour, I walked down my driveway (both brothers laughing and yelling tripper at me).

I have a lot expereince with lsd and I knew something big was about to happen but I wasnt prepared for this. I locked myself in my room (40min) into it I attempted to ring an old tripping buddy to say hi but I felt a sickening feeling and a high pitch noise
I felt a sickening feeling and a high pitch noise
which I beleived to be coming from my mobile phone so I threw it in the bin. I lay down on my bed (1hr 20m) all hell is breaking loose. I'm paralysed in time, as I turn my head its like slow motion photography and replays over and over again and I can hear the sound of some electronic instrument like a slow synthesizer repeating the same wave. This is not good man I've taken triple doses of lsd, expereinced bad trips but what the hell have I just done. The walls and ceiling are expanding and contracting and my eyes are fixed to my ceiling fan which dissapears and is replaced with the face of a green witch and I'm locked in a battle for life and death or my sanity at least. My head is overheating to the point I know if I dont do something my brain is at risk of damage from overheating so I run a cold bath and lay in it with my eyes closed (light and shape pattern hallucinations) and a sense I just saved my life. Within 10min my body heat has made the cold water very warm almost hot. I focus on positive thoughts now and manage to gain control of the trip enough to get dressed go out and convince my brother who drank the quarter glass that he wasnt dying and help him through it. My other brother was outside but tells me he vomited shortly after drinking his cup but has never expereinced anything so scary in his life.

The lesson is to be careful how much we brew and swallow, not all mushrooms types are consistent in potency and our Australian blue meanies are so potent they're dangerous.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 88967
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Mar 10, 2020Views: 1,537
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Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens (185) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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