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Putting My Fears in the Back Seat
by 5657
Citation:   5657. "Putting My Fears in the Back Seat: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp89097)". Jul 2, 2019.

    Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
Clonazepam and Anxiety

I have always had anxiety issues, OCD, and other fears. My temper was short and have experienced mood swings, irrational fears ,etc. Few months ago I was having extreme anxiety and fears, I went to a local clinic and explained my situation to the doctor. I told him out right I need something to help me relax and to give my mind a breather.

My Doctor gave me a prescription for clonazepam. I had no idea how the drug would make my anxiety go away. When I got home I took a 1 0.5mg pill and in about 20 minutes my anxiety eased and my fears took a back seat. For some one like me and the other millions of people who suffer from legitimate anxiety, fear issues, feeling normal is such a relief.

I then immediately did notice the euphoric effect and did enjoy it. I felt very relaxed and almost at bliss. I went to my computer to look up what my doctor had prescribed. Benzos, oh no!!

I knew Benzos were addictive, and withdrawl can be risky.

I had a 30 day scrip for 1 0.5 pill a day. I took that one pill a day and I felt more social, and did not worry about every little thing. My fears and anxiety were completely gone and I felt very motivated. I started to think to myself, 'Maybe this is what it feels like to be normal'

My doctor had scheduled an appointment to see me after the month on Clonazepam. We discussed how I felt, what I thought about the drug, and we did not beat around the bush, we talked about the possible addiction and taking more pills then needed to feel that euphoric high. I told him how I felt that way when I took that first pill but also how it felt better to have a clear sane mind.

Im now on Clonazepam 0.5mg as needed, which for me can be from every other day to once a week and I feel great. The anxiety attacks are fewer and fewer and my mind feels so clear and sharp.

This drug is a god send for people who have ocd, extreme anxiety, panic attacks.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89097
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jul 2, 2019Views: 1,481
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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