Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
Cold Hands Slow Heart
Citation:   Damabupuk. "Cold Hands Slow Heart: An Experience with Cannabis (exp89100)". Feb 27, 2020.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis
I've been smoking weed casually since I was 16, about 20 years. I took a bit of time off in my 20s, but started up again when I decided to quit alcohol and caffeine. I figured one vice was enough. I'm smart about my recreational drug use, doing research on what I'm putting into my body, and I'm very interested in the spiritual aspects of the use of marijuana and plant hallucinogens
I'm very interested in the spiritual aspects of the use of marijuana and plant hallucinogens
. It would not be exaggerating to say that they have become part of my spiritual framework for dealing with life, the universe, and everything.


For a few years now, I have had the strange side effect of my hands getting extremely cold. It's almost like the blood just stops flowing to them. I know marijuana is supposed to raise one's heart rate, so I'm at a loss to explain this effect, and I've been unable to find others who have experienced it. I don't know what to do about this. And then, a few weeks ago, I smoked a bowl of weed, no more or less than I usually do. It was from a fairly potent batch that I was finishing off, and I had a most adverse reaction. My buzz came on, and I sat down at my computer to write some music. Almost immediately I lost all energy. All I could do was sit and stare at the screen. I got extremely nauseous, and my head started uncontrollably dropping to my chest. My eyes were rolling up into my head and I felt like I was going to pass out. I decided to go upstairs and sit on the couch and try to relax, but as I was doing so, I felt like my heart was slowing right down. I kept briefly passing out. Eventually I got scared and went upstairs to wake my wife up. She sat with me for about an hour and a half, until I felt calm enough to sleep, but she was very scared by the way I was reacting. I couldn't string any thoughts together and kept having brief blackouts. The cold sensation was there in my hands, but was overshadowed by the other effects.

At the time, I wasn't on any prescription medication. I was taking Zantac for acid indigestion, and drinking Aloe juice for what I think is an ulcer. I take a multi-vitamin every day. About 6 months prior I had to change my diet due to an IBS diagnosis, and since that time I noticed that when I was high, I had to pee a lot. 3 or 4 times over the course of the evening.

I don't know what to make of any of this. I've found reports of similar things, but I can't figure out why it's happening to me now. I have friends who smoke every day and feel nothing but good. I'm sure some of it is in my head, but that last time was in no way psychosomatic. I am heartbroken. I have been a supporter of marijuana legalization for years, and I truly believe (or believed) that it was good for both my physical and mental well-being. I haven't smoked for 4 weeks now, and I really want to, but I'm afraid now
I haven't smoked for 4 weeks now, and I really want to, but I'm afraid now
of another adverse reaction, and that fear, I'm sure, would make smoking a horrible paranoid time. I'm going to take a few months off and see what happens, but other reports I've read suggest that once this happens, you're done. I don't get it. I don't drive when I'm high, I don't run around partying. I use it once or twice a week to relax, do a bit of writing, or watch T.V. Hell, sometimes I even get high and clean the house.

And now this. It's unfair. I don't want to sound whiny, I'm just really upset by this.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89100
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Feb 27, 2020Views: 800
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Cannabis (1) : Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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