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Quantum Beings
Citation:   Derek. "Quantum Beings: An Experience with DMT (exp89114)". Erowid.org. May 10, 2021. erowid.org/exp/89114

3 hits vaporized DMT (extract)
At the time of my first and only DMT experience, I had previously taken psilocybin mushrooms about 8 times, smoked salvia divinorum twice, and smoked cannabis daily for years. I had been reading about DMT for years, becoming more and more interested until I finally became completely fascinated. A close friend of mine is a very intelligent individual who also partakes in psychedelics. His philosophy is if you are going to take any substance remotely psychedelic, you better know exactly where it comes from. For that very reason, he not only grows cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms, but also does his own DMT extractions using mimosa hostilis rootbark.

I figured that if I ever had an amazing opportunity to experience pure DMT, this would be it. I started mentally preparing myself for my experience by reading experience reports, reading reports on near-death experiences, and trying to gain some conscious control over my dreams (lucid dreaming). In retrospect, I prepared myself as best as I could have. The only mistake I made was using psilocybin as a basis for comparison, as they are similar but still vastly different on many levels.

The day of my experience came, but I did not know it at first. I went to my friend’s girlfriend’s house, both of whom I am pretty close with. I was just expecting to chill with them, toke some bowls, watch some television: nothing out of the ordinary. When I got there, my friend already had a bowl of DMT ready for me. It was a bowl with a very small amount of cannabis at the bottom, and a nice dose of DMT on top. The DMT was not as pure as some extractions I have seen, but it still had a nice color (whitish-yellow). The bowl was resting in a foot and a half tall water bong without any water in it. My friend asked me if I was ready. I was definitely ready, but still needed about 20 minutes to prepare, because I knew it was going to be the most intense experience of my life aside from birth.

I waited until I was completely calm and all the feelings of anxiety had left my body; I did not want any residual feelings affecting my experience. I finally felt ready, and sat down on the bed. I told my friend to take the bong from me once I was done, and of course he was on the same page as me already. He carefully held the lighter near the DMT, carefully not burning it, just vaporizing it. I watched the bottom of the bong as the vaporized DMT started collecting like milky smoke. My friend removed the slide, and I inhaled. He put the slide back, and I started ripping it again. Once the bottom of the bong looked like milk, I inhaled again. At this point there was an initially subtle humming/buzzing/ringing becoming more and more apparent as time went on. I had the feeling of “butterflies in my stomach”, but more so in my back and somehow in my brain. Somehow I was still ripping the bong a third and final time. I was struggling to stay focused, and my friend could tell. I was focusing my attention on the bowl that he was lighting. The bowl seemed abnormally large, and was breathing.

I took the final toke of DMT, and lay back on the bed. The background humming became much louder, until it finally overrode any other external sound in the room. The reality I was perceiving was slowing (and quickly at the same time, somehow) transforming/transitioning into a different reality, almost as if I was simply tuning into a different frequency of particles. I was overwhelmed by a feeling of awe, as I was seeing dimensions fold and unfold, as vivid as this reality I am currently perceiving. I closed my eyes, as it seemed like the most comfortable thing to do at the time. When I closed my eyes, the visuals got much more intense. Like dreaming, it felt like my eyes were open even though they were closed. Instead of humming, I started to hear a different sound. The only way to put it into words is to say I heard the sound of love. It was faint at first, but became more vivid very quickly. It was almost as if someone was humming the word “awww”. As this started to happen, I witnessed extra-dimensional beings manifest themselves out of the neatly folded dimensions that they reside in. These beings were, at least visually, not human. They had the expected features of a life form (eyes, mouth, head), but were still totally different than anything I have ever seen before. They were made up of pure energy. The entities were made up of the same material/substance as the dimension that they exist in. It was a glowing, white, translucent material, yet still had the properties of every color.

The entities that I was introduced to showed me unconditional love. I don’t know how I know this, but that’s the only thing I could really gather about them. It’s almost as if they were hugging me tightly without physically doing so. They were very positive beings, not a hint of negativity was ever sensed. They had massive grins on their faces the entire time, too. At this point, I wanted to open my eyes for a second just to get back to baseline. When I opened my eyes, my vision didn’t change. I was still seeing the entities right in front of me. This is when I knew I was “peaking”, because I was no longer seeing with my two eyes. This persisted for a few minutes, until the entities starting folding back into space, and the breathing of the space I was in started to subside. I opened my eyes, and everything started to shift back into place. I think that is the key point: I was not thrown into a psychedelic experience; it was a gradual transition/shift. When I came back into “normal” reality, I was left with a few very important impressions. First, that DMT plays an important role in how we process and piece together reality. That the amount of DMT in one's system will affect what we perceive on an atomic or even quantum level. Second, that the entities I encountered were merely life adapted to a different dimension that we cannot perceive. Third, that lucid dreaming, death, birth, and DMT experiences are closely related.

After my first and only DMT experience, I took LSD twice, and I can say with absolute certainty that DMT is far more intense than LSD, even though LSD lasts almost 140 times longer. The reason I have only done DMT once is because I don’t view it as a recreational drug, I view it as something sacred that should not be trifled with. I will not do it again until I spontaneously feel like it is the right time to do so. My philosophy is treat DMT with respect and it will return the favor.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89114
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 10, 2021Views: 792
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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