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Dizziness Outweighs Fun
Citation:   twitch. "Dizziness Outweighs Fun: An Experience with 5MeO-DiPT (exp8919)". Aug 20, 2001.

7.0 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
Roughly 6-8mg, insufflated

3 PM: start
A lazy Saturday afternoon after a lovely evening out; what to do?
Oh yeah! There's a capsule of chemical in the freezer! I hadn't
eaten all day, which I figured was just as well.

I decided on insufflation for the shortened onset/duration and the promise
of decreased body load. I knew I had 50mg of 5MEO-DIPT; I chopped it into
two piles, then one of those into two, and then one of those two in half
again. I really should buy a milligram scale.

At 3 PM I insufflated one of the smallest piles. The immediate sensation wasn't too bad, and the odor was acceptable (is that what they call an indole smell?). The burn developed over the course of a few minutes into an annoying
distraction, and the drip was yucky indeed.

In the interest of monitoring the auditory effects, I put on a very familiar album and let myself forget I was watching for shifts from baseline.

3:15 the drip taste and burn are distracting enough to make insufflation
an unattractive route for my future experimentation.

3:25 Off baseline to a slightly warm sweaty +1.
3:30 Music is enhanced; component instruments and voices are becoming
more individually distinct, as with psilocybin.
3:35 dizzy, nauseous edge, shaky.
7:44 lots of sitting around in a blurry, slightly dizzy +1 to +2.
Not much fun. Musical notes definitely sound bent in pitch.

Aftermath: went to a party. Was back to near-baseline by around 10 or
11. Noticed some visual flashes while looking at the night sky.

Overall, I think my dizziness outweighed the fun/trippiness. I wonder what
a larger dose might be like, but don't know if I'll do it. I would still
like to try sex on Foxy, but I'm glad I tried it alone to scope out the
side effects.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8919
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 20, 2001Views: 9,139
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : General (1), Alone (16)

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