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Anxious Disappointment
by Ray
Citation:   Ray. "Anxious Disappointment: An Experience with 2C-E (exp89201)". Jun 10, 2018.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 2C-E (capsule)
  T+ 2:45 3 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:45 7 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
So last night I tried 2C-E. I decided to order it after hearing many good reports on the substance, of people having deep and profound experiences. I was aware that euphoria isn't always there, but I wasn't expecting to feel the way I did.

Around 10:15pm, I dropped a 10mg capsule of 2C-E. I watched the rest of my show until 11:00pm, and headed upstairs to play on the Xbox. I felt I wanted an introspective and personal trip, so I would do it alone.

After playing on the Xbox, it got to around 01:00am and I still felt sober, maybe just a little different, but I was sure it was placebo. So I decided to snort about 3mg, and carried on playing Black Ops. After a little while I now felt some mild jaw clenching, and my eyes were dilated, but no psychedelia or visual hallucinations whatsoever.

I began to feel a little anxious, but it subsided for a while. Another hour passed, and I decided to redose once again. The rest of the other capsule was probably about 7mg, so I thought 'fuck it' and snorted the line. 10 minutes later, I began feeling very restless and anxious, and I just couldn't get comfortable. I felt a mild nausea, but nothing major. After a while, I left the laptop and went to the toilet because I thought I may need to take a dump, but it wouldn't happen. While sitting on the toilet, I was staring at the towels on the railing and they seemed to sway and distort very slightly.. (sort of like one of those images on the internet with a spiral image, that you stare at for 30 seconds and when you look away you have some visual distortion). I began feeling quite hot, and that I wanted to leave the house, so I decided to walk around the park behind my house at around 3:30am. I sat down on the bench for about 2-3 minutes, and thought maybe if I made myself sick, I would begin feeling better and it might 'kick in'. I stuck my fingers down my throat, I puked a little, but it wasn't a proper hurl. Began feeling quite cold and my mind changed, and I would feel better going back home. So, I tediously went back home, then decided to go back out, and came back home. By this point I was really not enjoying it, not that I was having a bad trip or anything, but the body load was absolutely terrible.

In the end, I just forced myself to go to sleep. While laying in bed, I had hot and cold flashes similar to the flu. I just kept my eyes closed and finally drifted off around 4:30am

I woke up about 6 hours later at 10:30am. Felt absolutely fine now, if anything I may have forgotten I even took anything the previous night for a few minutes upon awakening. I still had some very mild jaw tension, and my eyes were slightly dilated for about an hour after I woke up. But today I feel fine, I just feel very disappointed in the substance.

(Also, I am 100% certain that it is definitely 2C-E..)

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89201
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 10, 2018Views: 961
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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