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Hot, Cold, Slow, Fast
Citation:   Sweetheart. "Hot, Cold, Slow, Fast: An Experience with 2C-E (exp89222)". Nov 22, 2018.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Amphetamines  
  T+ 3:30 20 mg oral Amphetamines  
  T+ 8:45 17 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 8:50   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 10:20   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 18:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
First Experience With 2C-E

I wrote this report during the actual trip, so I will try to explain what I was talking about if anything seems difficult to understand due to my lack of coherency while I was tripping/writing the report. The night before my trip I got very little sleep, and I recall feeling very tired yet unable to sleep during the trip. Overall I believe Shulgin put it best “let it (2C-E) rest as being a difficult and worth-while material”.

7:30am dosed 20mg adderall

9:30am Breakfast, Ham and eggs

11:00am dosed 20mg adderall

1:00pm I had a bagel for lunch and no dinner

4:15pm Dosed 17mg of 2c-e orally, measured it using a .001 scale

4:20pm Smoked herb (duh)

5:00pm Feel “off”, smoked some herb, a little hard to formulate sentences

5:15pm Small visuals, barely noticeable but reminiscent of other psychedelics

5:30pm Feeling a come-up similar to a dose of E, mind is easily distracted, hrad to speak and write coherently, movements are slow and slightly impaired

5:45pm Euphoria is present, if small. My wording is off, and it seems easier to write in a stream of conscience rather than to formulate sentences. Visuals similar to acid, music is very pleasant

5:50pm smoked more herb, get a nice body high

6:00pm Visuals in many places, body high kinda feels like im rolling, still coming up fast I think. I can’t even talk to my friends anymore, trippin real fucking hard now

6:15pm Reality is bending. Time moves slower and faster. It sometimes starts and stops again. I feel cold/hot, can’t really tell which one, but I am in a stable, warm enviorment. Intense CEV’s. Open eye visuals are everywhere on every surface

6:30pm Time with music is crazy, it’s hard to comprehend everything that’s taking place. Definitely, thought wise, as intense but different from acid, but equally valuable. Part of me can’t believe I still have the finger dexterity to write.

7:00pm I feel like I can see behind me (let me try to explain what I meant by this. Imagine if your eyeballs were in the back of your head, but instead of looking behind you, you were looking forward through your skull/brain, and seeing the outside world through some sort of tunnel/telescope vision)

7:40pm I feel comfortable tripping, like, I understand the reality I am in presently, and am okay with it. My thoughts are trailing(don’t exactly remember what I meant by that) and I can hardly form coherent thoughts, although in this “universe” the “physics” are different, but I can “obey” them in this separate reality.

8:15pm Im getting a lot from “planes” here, tripping really fucking hard, I can hardly…Planes as in “matrix” or like standing in the middle of a “football field” (I believe what I was describing here is similar to what I wrote during my 7:00pm entry)

8:20 This trip report has become grounding to me. I need to be able to write it just so I can feel like im in the same plane of existence.

9:00pm Total ball trippage. This definitely isn’t anything like acid.

9:15pm It’s 9:15, I can still write, I can still somehow think coherently and put thoughts to paper

10:05 Visuals are decreasing now. It’s fading, however slowly, it’s beautiful…

11:00pm Still tripping, still can’t sleep. Easier to write however. Will attempt sleep now

11:30pm Still not asleep, I kind of feel like I’m rolling a little, it’s like the drug wears off in the reverse order that it comes on

12:00am Still not asleep, smoke herb

12:30am Still not asleep. Most visuals are completely gone.

2:00am Still not asleep. Going to smoke herb and eat soup.

The herb/soup combo put me to bed around 2:30am I’m guessing. I woke up at 11am in the morning feeling normal, I felt a little drained , but that could be due to lack of sleep.

I'm glad I dosed very carefully, it seems that 5 mg can make a huge difference in the trip. I got temperature confused easily so I will make a note to stay in a comfortable room in the future so that I don't overheat/freeze without realizing it. Overall a great experience.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89222
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Nov 22, 2018Views: 861
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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