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Anxiety and Insomnia Over in Three Days
Citation:   thunderstruck. "Anxiety and Insomnia Over in Three Days: An Experience with Mirtazapine (exp89234)". Nov 13, 2020.

15 mg oral Pharms - Mirtazapine (daily)
I had an adverse stress reaction two weeks ago. It resulted in insomnia, anxiety, nightmares (when I actually was able to sleep for more than two hours straight), palpitations, hot flushes, constant nausea, lightheadedness, headaches - you name it.

I have had prior experiences with anxiety, but then I had the privilege of being able to simply withdraw from everything and get over it. I do not have that privilege now. So I went to my doctor complaining about the symptoms a few days into the period. A week later, after my symptoms had gotten worse, I got prescribed 15 mg of mirtazepine a day to be taken before bedtime.

As I'm not a great fan of taking psychiatric medication, I hesitated taking it for the first few days, but in the end I gave in. Now I've been taking mirtazepine for three days straight.

In the first two days I slept close to 20 hours a day both days, which was something of a change in comparison with me sleeping around four hours a night and waking up with anxiety attacks for the preceding ten to fourteen days. Normally I sleep between eight and ten hours, if I get to sleep as much as I like. On week days, I usually get just under eight hours of sleep.

Already after taking the pills once, the anxiety symptoms diminished alot. Today, three days after, I have no major symptoms of anxiety or depression.

Something which might have an effect as well, is that I have been sleeping at a friend's place, where I get alot of peace and quiet, which isn't something I was getting alot of prior to taking the medication. I have been eating more as well. Whether it is a consequence of taking mirtazepine, I do not know.

No matter what, this shit is crazy. All major symptoms and discomfort, other than my headaches and grogginess - were gone overnight - and I slept as a baby. On the third day the grogginess is almost gone and the headache is diminished.

I'm 5'10' and 160 lbs, BMI 22.7

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89234
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 13, 2020Views: 819
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Pharms - Mirtazapine (311) : Not Applicable (38), Medical Use (47)

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