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by AR
Citation:   AR. "Taipei: An Experience with LSD (exp89309)". Nov 8, 2012.

3 drops oral LSD (liquid)
The LSD started to kick-in when my experienced psychedelic friend, I and another pal took a taxi ride outside of the party district of the city to a greener area. There were trees, benches and less traffic. As we took a seat a yellow wall became exceptionally bright, electricity pile-ons over head buzzed intensely and it began to rain. The trip began, one of us wanted to head home out of the rain, I suggest 'we just get wet' it gave a wonderful bonding moment between our group as we then watched the rain fall on us and we set off to explore some of the surrounding park. Heading, later back to my friends apartment, when I split from the group and headed in to the night alone...

I stood in the damp dark street lit by traffic lights, still hearing an intense buzzing of electricity passing over head. I stared down the street and could see forever. A cross roads, then the end of a block, another street entrance and buildings. The night time darkness and traffic lights. The emptiness of the cross-roads, illuminated red, orange and green. The constant repetition of eternity through me and beyond, liberating me from myself. From the darkness an elderly early morning jogger came past. As he moved along the pavement I watched his motion, he came and went, blurring into the landscape. From eternity, past me, and back into oblivion. Another morning jogger came past, still in darkness.

As the day began to break, I lay in front of a large blue mural. I closed my eyes and disappeared. Fractals and spirals, whirring into and out from the infinite loop of mind. A glimpse from an open eye revealed myself passing into the earth. As I woke I gathered some belongings which were decaying and irrelevant. Later I lost my phone, it wasn't 'my' phone, just I couldn't comprehend the need for it. Looking up there stood a blue mural it was depicting a journey. The movement of man through time, from ape-like being to modern creature. It dawned on me (it was the right time of day) we're at a point where we can explore ourselves. Yet, our ignorant pursuit of material possessions puts us on the edge of destroying a physical world we need in which to develop far enough before we can escape. Didn't Einstein say, if we could use enough of our brain we'd be pure energy, and isn't the life force wrapped in our hearts according to the Buddhist mind-body complex not a drop of pure energy? Perhaps we'd not need brains if we continue on our evolutionary path, we'd all be clouds of pure buzzing energy. We'll get there. Together.

I moved from the mural onto a subway platform vivid evolutionary processes appeared around the train station. People with ape faces moved from corner to corner, there was an ape dressed ready for hiking a mountain. An ape ready to go to market and an ape, I found particularly funny, dressed in a suit ready for the office. Didn't he know it was Sunday? Amused by his drive, ambition, pursuit. I took to trying to communicate with one of the them. I found she spoke Chinese, and taught me how to count. This is a revelation beyond words, a talking ape. Never had I seen such a thing. So astounded by her ability to talk, I tried prodding the ape in the suit to see if he could talk. Turns out he was quite adept with his hands, clocking me on the side of the head. I tried some ape speak at him, and was on my way.

Morning had arrived. Fresher than any morning I'd felt before. New, vital. I felt intensely alive, like it was my first morning. I was seeing droplets of water held steady in the atmosphere and through them. The wind rushed over me, it was cleansing and crisp. I felt as though the air was passing through me taking me off the platform with it into a blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds.

I boarded a train at 7.30am. Each journey between stations was a construction and deconstruction of another universe. The rhythmic humming of the train bringing a symphony, building the universe in all it's interconnected perfection. Until, the train slowed, pulled into the station - I panicked and lost sense of the beauty, the dire bottomless abyss swamping up over me as more Apes boarded the train ready to hike again and again and again and again. Then the train set off, a symphony and relaese of euphoria travelled through the carriages all was perfect.

As the journeys took their toll I became increasingly distressed and placenta looking vomitus erupted from my gut. My senses were tingling, beyond usual reception. A collection of early risers in an enclosed space is pungent.

Asian public etiquette was obliterated as I threw-up in one of the carriages. Apologising to a near-by elderly couple, they didn't appreciate the gesture grimaced and moved away. A moment of satisfaction and release swam over me, knowing their silly little rules had been blown apart... and, guess what, humans vomit! Who knew?
Managing to escape the coin/gates/slots/rat-run riddle and non-sense an intra-city transit system provides, I returned to my friends apartment. I took a shower and used his toilet. It was the most fascinating experience. A 26 year old man, using all vitals for the first time, and feeling fresh hot water having never before done so. I stood naked in front of a mirror and appreciated what this planet offers us as means of a vehicle. Then I lay on his sofa, fresh as the day - reborn. New. We cleaned the apartment, I impersonating Michael Jackson for the most part.

It was an utterly euphoric, eternally delightful, terrifyingly real apparition.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 89309
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Nov 8, 2012Views: 3,602
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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