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Rite of the Solitary Franciscan Penitents
Yarrow, Ginseng, Tea & Meditation
Citation:   A Friend. "Rite of the Solitary Franciscan Penitents: An Experience with Yarrow, Ginseng, Tea & Meditation (exp89384)". Jun 26, 2018.

30 drops oral Yarrow (tincture)
    oral Ginseng (extract)
  1 cup oral Tea  
The Composition of the Rite of the Solitary Franciscan Penitents
This Rite is especially beneficial to tea-drinkers, such as myself.

Articles prescribed for communication of the Rite:
Cold drinking water
1 large jar, and one 10-ounce jar with lid
Lemon, lime, or orange juice
Yarrow extract in grain alcohol
Rosary, and scriptural rosary book, and/or other rosary book
Journal and pen
Shell or small sacred object, such as a stone
Ginseng extract, preferably 20-years old
Charcoal, incense and/or sage for burning, censor, matches
Tea, preferably green or white
Holy Water, if available.

The communication of the long Rite:

Purpose: To overcome drug and alcohol addiction, using safe herbs and drugs, and to purge the senses and soul of the applicant.

Recite a bouquet of Rosaries. Using the Holy Water, make the sign of the cross. Pray the prayer of the Solitary Franciscan Penitents, in anticipation of preparing of the Yarrow; anticipate the intercession of the Supreme Supplicant, in silence, until one feels sufficiently ready to prepare the Yarrow.

(30 drops, about 7 oz of water.) Add lemon juice for flavor, and apply the lid. Shake vigorously to keep the Yarrow from resting on the surface of the water. Light the broken charcoal, and drop the incense. Any kind of gum incense is acceptable, as well as sage bundles.

Invoke the power of the Holy Spirit, saying: “Come, Holy Spirit: manifest Your Power in the body, speech, and mind of your faithful.” Draw down your spirit into your heart, and at the same time following the movement of the smoke with your eyes. Watch it dance. When you are sufficiently made whole through your supplication and invocation, drink the Yarrow/lemon water in 7 small gulps – slowly.

Sit in quiet sapience, as long as necessary to clear the heart of unnecessary chatter. Select a psalm or reading from the back of the Ritual of the Secular Franciscan Order. Meditate deeply on the significance of your choice of vocation, on the loathsome character of your sins, and the necessity for ritual and prayer in your life especially.

Sip on some ginseng from time to time until it is empty while following the rest of the prescription, if there is any available. Meditate with your chosen object, be it rest, listening, a small shell, spaciousness, and especially, the content of your chosen reading. When you feel your attention is fully at peace, you are free to meditate in any way you feel comfortable.

Make sure all burning articles are extinguished.
The last two instructions are very important, both so that we may consider the urgency of purifying our hearts in this life, and also so that we may overcome the love of sleep, and of self-forgetfulness. Read with dire MINDFULNESS from the Ritual of the Secular Franciscan Order, or the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order.

In a bed, that has been prepared and made, lay, men on the right side, and women on the left, having set an alarm for 45 minutes. This final part of the ritual involves imagination and fancy, and will free you to communicate the Rite at all times, mindfully, and especially when drinking a cup of tea.

Again using the Holy Water, make the Sign of the Cross. Repeat one of the four prayers: “The Annunciation”, “The Praise of the Father”, “The Supplication to Mary”, or the “Supplication to Jesus”, only when the mind begins to wander. Clearing the mind of all images, silently pray until you are granted a vision, and once you become drawn through the Blessed Virgin into the Vision, give up all attachment, and let yourself drift into sleep, until your alarm wakes you up.

This is the conclusion of the Communication of the Rite of the Solitary Franciscan Penitents.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89384
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Jun 26, 2018Views: 2,070
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Yarrow (366), Ginseng (144), Ritual (129) : Combinations (3), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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