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Pretty Good Downer Trip
Lagochilus inebrians & Cannabis
Citation:   Roach. "Pretty Good Downer Trip: An Experience with Lagochilus inebrians & Cannabis (exp89474)". Erowid.org. Sep 2, 2011. erowid.org/exp/89474

1.75 g oral Lagochilus inebrians (tea)
    smoked Cannabis  
I boiled up 3g of Lagochilus inebrians in a pot with water. This shit tastes nasty so you need a chaser, like your favorite soda to wash it down. It tastes like that gross tasting cold syrup stuff thats yellow. It's also yellow too. Hmm, wonder if there's a connection.

Anyhow. I sipped and chased it, while smoking a bowl of some high quality reggie. Light green shit. I took a sip every 5 minutes. At 15 minutes the effect started to kick in. I had to just laugh for a second. At 30 minutes, I was getting pretty good. A nice body buzz like sedation. A little lightheadedness. At 45, rolling pretty strong. Moderately heavily sedated, and rather than lightheadedness, I'm zoning now. At an hour, I slowed down to a sip at every 10 minutes. This shit is nasty lol. But yeah, it's an hour and fifteen in, one bowl down, and probably 1.75g worth of the liquid drank down, of the 3g worth of tea made, and that's about as much as I can take of this nasty flavored, yet lovely liquid... It has a wonderful buzz~ I think it could be used to make a ghetto form of 'drank'. -imo- peace Represent

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 89474
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 2, 2011Views: 6,208
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Lagochilus inebrians (345) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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