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Fun Night With Friends
MDAI & Alcohol
Citation:   Gagak. "Fun Night With Friends: An Experience with MDAI & Alcohol (exp89583)". Aug 9, 2011.

100 mg oral MDAI (liquid)
    oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Some friends and I ordered a few grams of MDAI on an internet website that we'd ordered other chemicals off before. I researched MDAI and honestly, had low expectations. My preferential chemicals are Methylone and MDMA. I had taken a couple months off doing anything other than alcohol so, I was excited to try something, but had read many descriptions of others taking this chemical with little or no effects.

We took 100mg dose mixed with liquid and had a couple of drinks (2 or three strong drinks). Not alcoholics anything, but we drink quite a bit, so when we started to feel it, we questioned ourselves and thought it could be the alcohol. About 25 minutes after initial dose we knew it was more than the alcohol. I had an inexplicable happy feeling and felt as if I could talk forever. People I had been pissed at just an hour previous suddenly became my best friend. The feeling was a lot stronger than I had expected it to be and I really loved it. Everyone in our group had the same reaction to the initial dose and we all decided to up it about 50mg a little over an hour after initial dose. I'm not sure how much this did, but my high lasted a very long time. I peaked at about 1 hour and stayed at peak for about an hour. After that, I stayed pretty high for 2-3 hours.

I slept easily through the night (usually does not happen with me and methylone or MDMA).

The following day I was drowsy, but felt great.

I don't know why my experience differs so greatly with others. I was thinking at first that maybe the website had sent us a different chemical, but if so, which one? I have tried the others that would be similar and it didn't feel exactly like any of them. Also, the alcohol?? Perhaps a few drinks really boosts it a lot, I'm not sure. Either way, my experience was phenomenal and look forward to trying it again.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89583
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Aug 9, 2011Views: 9,382
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MDAI (499), Alcohol - Hard (198) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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