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Nothing at All
Citation:   keifer reefer. "Nothing at All: An Experience with Scopolamine (exp89613)". Feb 26, 2011.

I wrote this for any one wanting to get a buzz from alkaloids found in poisonous plants like belladonna or deadly nightshade family. I just want to say trust me its not worth it isnt fun.

I took 10 mg of scopolamine hoping for a slight deleriant like trip and what I got was nothing fun. Effects included dilated eyes to the point that I can't even see the letters on the keyboard. I had no trip at all my mind was perfectly intact but my mouth was like a desert filled with sand my eyes burn because there so dry and im basically just really dehydrated. I noticed barely any changes in my thinking maybe a little tired but that might be due to the dehydration. But overall this was stupid and pointless and I just wanted people to know it was dumb to try this unless you like
not being able so see anything clearly and like your mouth to be so dry you cant swallow food without it getting stuck in your throat. But if thats your thing then go right ahead.

[Reported Dose: '10 mg over time']

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89613
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 26, 2011Views: 13,944
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Belladonna (9), Scopolamine (134) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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