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Giver of Great Days
Citation:   JC84MT. "Giver of Great Days: An Experience with Tramadol (exp89641)". Dec 7, 2019.

200 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol
Previous Drug Experiences: Marijuana, DXM, DPH

My weekend was already going good, and to make it better, my best friend(Let's call him Smith) got a hold of Tramadol. When I heard that he got Tramadol, I was excited. I had remembered reading about Tramadol before and I could not wait to feel it's effects.

So around 12:00 PM, I took 200 mg of the Tramadol. I knew it would take some time (Probably 45-hour) to kick in. So I relaxed, playing games and chatting on my computer. Then about an hour later, I was hit with a great mood, and I felt excited about the early Spring Break that's coming up. I also knew that the Tramadol had kicked in because I had some music euphoria, and it was acting somewhat as an analgesic for my unbelievably sore gums.

Later, I went out to lunch, I felt great, (Kind of sleepy) and I was very talkative with my father, (I'm usually quiet). The food filled me up a lot quicker, I assumed was caused by the Tramadol.

And here I am now, it's 4:22 PM, and I still feel a very floaty high feeling, I am in a great mood, and I feel completely refreshed. I haven't had any problems really, many Tramadol users say they get diarrhea, or have stomach aches. This hasn't happened to me. I am definitely going to do Tramadol in the future, but I must be careful of it's addictive nature.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89641
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 7, 2019Views: 1,415
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