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Hospital Dunce
Risperidone (Consta)
by John
Citation:   John. "Hospital Dunce: An Experience with Risperidone (Consta) (exp89703)". Feb 17, 2011.

12.5 ml   Pharms - Risperidone (liquid)
Ok basicly I went to the psych ward for fighting with my roomate because he gave me 42 mg of ritalin and it fired my brain so I took him outside and I fought him took it to far and realized I had just hurt my best friend... retarded I know...

Anyways he framed me into getting into a psych ward with the cops by telling them I wanted to kill myself... While tdo'ed [temporary detaining order] in the psych ward they prescribed me risparadal but I wouldnt take it and after a while they just gave me a big ass long acting shot of 12.5 ml.... The shot lasted for about 10-11 weeks and put me in hell everyday...I would compare it to frying my brain for 2-3 months straight... at the end of it all I was on planet just to come to being a vegetable,.... Now I have scabies, a fried brain, and staph infections from the ward....hate the mental health system wished I had never even been alive! HELL on EARTH not to say I didnt deserve it.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89703
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 17, 2011Views: 7,675
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Pharms - Risperidone (253) : Bad Trips (6), Post Trip Problems (8), Medical Use (47), Hospital (36)

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