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Enter The Matrix - S-Isomer
by A
Citation:   A. "Enter The Matrix - S-Isomer: An Experience with Ketamine (exp89745)". Aug 30, 2017.

500 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Life has been difficult for me, due to addictions to many, many substances. I am addicted to marijuana, and I fiend for oxy given the opportunity.

I am a very socially inept person, yet ketamine allowed me the ability to connect with a comrade, named C. I believe that ketamine shows me an inner secret in life.

One thing that I dislike about ketamine, is the feeling can be quite overpowering at times, and actually feels like I am about to die. Now, I have been scared a couple of times on ketamine, because, I realize I am so out of I actually forget I am breathing. Then I will become aware of my lungs, and breath consciously from then on.

I decided to watch courage the cowardly dog during a lot of my ketamine trips, and I felt reconnected to my childhood via this outlet. It felt as though I had been reset. I don't know if ketamine is harmful to the brain or the body, but I do feel that ketamine is absolutely for anyone who has not done drugs that are psychedelic before. I have actually been sucked into the entire story line of a cartoon, merged into my friends bodies, and vice versa. It caused me to listen to songs from my early childhood, and care about friends again.

This drug is no drug to be taken lightly... it so so powerful it is stronger than most drugs in the world.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89745
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Aug 30, 2017Views: 1,543
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Ketamine (31) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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