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Unique - Similar to, but Not Like MDMA
Citation:   The Fresh Prince. "Unique - Similar to, but Not Like MDMA: An Experience with MDEA (exp89967)". Mar 29, 2011.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral MDE (capsule)
  T+ 2:05 0.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
I first took mdma 9 years ago. I have strong experience with mdma, mda, lsd, mushrooms, mescaline (teas and the extracted hcl salt). I have extensive experience with numerous other drugs/psychedelics but that's not important to know for reading this experience so I’ll leave it at that for now.


The mdea was given to me by a friend who had prepared the mdea via the mdp2p/nitroethane al/hg reductive amination. marquis test went straight to black and fizzing, typical of md** compounds. a melting point test was done and it melted right at 200C, the melting point test was somewhat crudely performed so this is a rough approximate. the friend who gave it to me had bioassayed 150mg the previous weekend, bioassay was interesting and successful he said.

Ate regular sized lunch, just enough so that I don't get hunger pains before dosing. I’ve been having stomach issues all day and am going through mild opiate w/d's. this little fact comes back to bite me later on in the experience.

Took a small amount of oxycodone to stop w/d's, just so that I can go into the experience feeling 'normal'

Took 150mg mdea hcl orally in a gelcap

Feeling more relaxed, stretched out my arms and legs which made my joints pop, it felt really good. my eyelids are starting to feel heavy. there is some noticeable heaviness in the stomach accompanied by mild nausea. my stomach currently feels like it does when I take mushrooms.

The nausea is subsiding and I’m feeling the urge to lay down. there is no nystagmus but when I close my eyes, they roll back. strange because there are no rushes or substantial euphoria, just a strong feeling of relaxation and some mild body sensations.

My motor control is definitely hindered. my motor control on mdma is spot-on unless I dose really high. mda, on the other hand, absolutely wrecks my motor control. mdea has done to my motor control exactly what mda does. I could easily spill my water glass over while trying to reach for it. there is a general relaxation felt throughout my body with the exception of some tension in the neck/back. this is exactly what mda does to me. At this point I would call it a mild bodyload due to tension in the neck/back. my eyes aren’t bouncing like typical mda/mdma fashion however they are getting floaty. they are floating gently from left to right on their own.

There is definite nystagmus now but not nearly as much as with mdma, it's pretty controllable. When I lay down they are now bouncing very quickly all over the place. however when I get up to walk, I can easily choose to focus my eyes and they’ll do what I want. not like mdma where I have practically no control over it. I feel a definite spike in body temperature. even though I felt relaxed this whole time and almost sedated, there has a touch of anxiety and a general feeling of being slightly uneasy on the come-up. the anxiety is beginning to dissipate now. I think the anxiety was due to stomach discomfort/distress. this is definitely an odd feeling and uncomfortable psychedelic-style come-up complete with stomach discomfort and anxiousness. there is still tension in the neck/back.

The nausea is returning. I have been burping a lot during the come-up, especially in the past few minutes and it feels like a much needed release of pressure in the stomach when I burp.

I’m definitely peaking now. my eyes are fully dilated and my field of vision has enriched colors and softened outlines of objects, very surreal. I’d say I’m getting more visual effects from mdea than I do with mdma but much less than I get with mda. It’s getting a strong paradoxical body load. I feel sedated, my eyelids and body feel heavy. While laying here, my entire body feels heavy like it would be difficult to move however when I do decide to move I have no difficulties at all, movements feel fine except for the lack of motor control. even though I feel sedated, I’m getting stimulating rushes throughout my body, they actually feel uncomfortable.

This isn’t as euphoric as mdma but I’d say it’s more physical. The rushes seem to feel like they generate from my stomach, which still feels uneasy, the rushes spread to various place of my body. It’s like my stomach is generating electricity and I feel a mild electrical current through my body, kind of similar to mda but much less stimulating. On mda I feel overall stimulated to accompany the body rushes (except on high dose mda where relaxation and hypnotic/trance-like experiences takes over). On this I feel sedated but with a paradoxical stimulating rush that I can feel as it travels throughout my sedated body, strange. Whenever I burp, my stomach feels much better and the strong stimulating body rushes go away, leaving only a very lovely euphoria. It seems the stimulating rushes and the state of my stomach go hand in hand.

A friend of mine took 150mg of mdea last weekend and he told me his experience. Remembering my friend’s words from his experience last weekend, he said he hit the toilet for #2 hard and thought it would never end. Prior to hitting the toilet he felt sedated yet anxious, he seemed to believe the anxiety was stomach related also. After he hit the toilet he said he no longer felt anxious and just felt very mildly sedated throughout his body. He know he was stimulated like he couldn’t sleep but he found mdea to “feel sedating” to him, he said it was much more mild than mdma.

There are not very many trip reports online for mdea and I’ve read conflicting statements about it. most say it is sedating but I’ve heard a couple people say “bullshit, this stuff is very stimulating, much moreso than mdma.” I can see where both groups of people would get those effects. I’m convinced that the anxiety and stimulation is related to how tense/relaxed the stomach is. My friend hit the bathroom and instantly felt amazing, whereas he was uncomfortable before. I’m feeling the effects back to back, most of the time my stomach is knotted up and nauseous and this gives way to a bodyload feeling with a charge that goes through my body randomly. I feel it start from the stomach and go outward across my body, then it goes to my head sometimes where the tension really builds in my neck because it feels like my body is like Jell-O (sedated and relaxed) then my neck is very tense and my head has a lot of energy. Sometimes it goes to my arms where my torso feels like jell-o then my arm feels like it has a lot of energy. It’s that strange type of energy that with practice you could probably control and shift it how you please across your body. Due to my opiate habits, I’m not feeling the need for #2 and I think that in itself is causing problems for me right now. If I could go #2 I feel like I could release all this tension but that’s just not happening.

the electrical rushes are getting stronger. this feels more rushy than mdma I’d say. The rushes don’t put me into absolute bliss but I do feel like I’m rolling just without the magic, without the empathy, without the visuals of mda, what a strange drug. It has a familiar mdma euphoria but it’s distinctly different. the electrical rushes/stimulation feels a little overwhelming, the same way I feel on lsd where the body buzz overwhelms me except not quite that strong.

I took 0.5mg of xanax primarily to put my stomach at ease, benzodiazepines are the only thing that always work on my stomach when it’s in rough shape. my jaw is a little tight but neither the tight jaw or nystagmus are are exaggerated as they are on mdma, it's controllable. I feel dehydrated and have been drinking from water and gatorade/powerade as needed. I don't feel as dehydrated as I get from mda or mdma but there's a definite feeling of internal dryness particularly in the mouth/throat. the raise in body temperature was very noticeable, like that from mda. mdma on the other hand, I know I get hot and on larger doses get sweaty even, but on mdma I’m not really aware of it. with mda and mdea I’m very aware of the raised body temperature.

One other thing, and this might be subjective to me (your mileage may vary on this sentence) is that mdma has definite analgesic properties to it. years ago I was on mdma and was moving a glass aquarium out of the way so my wife and I's friends (who were also rolling) could have more room to be comfortable. the glass in the aquarium came loose (the silicone sealing had given out) and a pane of glass shattered in my hand and cut me. I was bleeding pretty bad as my wife jumped up and acted quickly to help me but at the time I was aware the glass broke but I had no idea I was cut. normally it would've hurt pretty bad as it was a pretty deep cut but I felt nothing. on mda on the other hand, my touch feels more sensitive than normal and I’ve accidentally cut myself on mda as well. no I don't go around cutting myself on mda and mdma LOL I’ve just done them so many times that it's inevitable that stuff happens sometimes. anyway on the mda it seemed to hurt a little more than normal. likewise with mdea, while on mdea I accidentally stepped on something that brought a lot of attention to the pain. so in my experience it seems like mda and mdea don't share the analgesic properties, but as I said your mileage may vary here.

It feels like the Xanax is starting to relax my GI tract, also the stimulating rushes and neck/back tension are subsiding entirely. I’m left with a very pleasant relaxation and am enjoying the roll very thoroughly. In fact I really like this a LOT. Aside from colors appearing more rich, there are no OEV’s. However when I close my eyes I enter a very vivid dreamworld. It’s like watching a very interesting tv show behind my eye lids. This is not CEV’s, this must be what lucid dreaming is like. I’m really having a blast.

I spent some of the night conversing with my wife and her friend. my mind felt clear and I could easily communicate ideas without the sense of urgency/excitement that mdma has. the only difficulty I have with speaking is that I still feel heavy all over, so when I have the thought that I want to talk or say something, I feel slightly heavy like there might be difficulty in making my body do what I want it to like simply opening the mouth to verbalize a few sentences. however when I go to speak, it comes out effortlessly. the rest of the night was spent laying down with my eyes closed watching the show. I couldn’t even really follow these lucid dreams, they seemed to be pointless and jump from one “show” to another. the conscious dreams all had a dimly lit characteristic to them but then again I was laying down in a dark room so that could be why. The comedown had no “oh shit” moments like on mdma and while I truly enjoyed the experience particularly once my stomach had relief, I wasn’t sad to see it go. It was more of a “sobering up” than a comedown.

In Conclusion:
I suspect I’ve had mdea in a pressed pill once before many years ago. This experience confirmed that what I had all those years ago was indeed mdea. That night many years ago I remember my friend and I coming home after eating these rolls. When they hit they made us feel very sedated, I vaguely remember a sort of energy traveling through my body but overall I felt sedated. I remember laying down with my eyes closed in a dark room and having the same type of captivating “dream movies” occur in my head. After a couple hours I remember hearing snoring and sure enough, my friend who was laying down on the couch with his eyes closed, rolling, was now snoring. I woke him up and asked if he came down already, he replied “no I’m still rolling” so I mentioned that he was snoring. He replied with “really? Wow that’s weird, I still feel like I’m plateaued at the peak.” He said he was having the same type of dream movies playing in his head and he felt very relaxed, sedated, and said he must’ve just drifted off to sleep. The experience lasted shorter than mdma, it was only a couple hours I recall.

The only difference between that experience and this one was that this time I had excessive nausea and stomach issues, the energy also became overwhelmingly strong to the point of discomfort. I feel like those 2 are interlinked and if I would’ve been able to go to the bathroom for a #2 then I would’ve gotten relief. I’ll have to let the opiate w/d’s run their course so my stomach goes back to normal. Once I’m a baseline human being again then I’ll give mdea another go.

The only thing I didn’t like was the stomach issues (I already had stomach issues earlier that day, doesn’t help) and the stimulating rushes, which I think would’ve gone away if I didn’t have so much tension in my stomach. next time I’ll also skip lunch so it hits faster and stronger. the more I have in my stomach when I drop an mdxx the rougher it is to get over the hump, it's best to always dose on an empty stomach. granted I hadn't eaten for a few hours before dropping, I think next time I need to fast for as long as possible as that always gives the best results. so next time I’ll try it in better circumstances stomach-wise and see how that changes things.

I don't think that mdea substitutes for mdma, not as a 'businessman's roll' or 'mdma lite' there's no question you can tell it's in the md*a family but is unique and somewhat distinct in its own way. there really is not much out there in the way of trip reports for mdea but I have heard 'nausea' being mentioned hand in hand with mdea before. hopefully next time when I don't have opiates screwing up my stomach, my body will give into the mdea better than it did this time. opiates and md** do not mix well, in fact mixing downers/uppers is generally a no-no due to the added stress on the body. but due to my opiate habit, I’ve taken mdma a couple times before while under the diminishing effects of an opiate and it never works out as well as it should had I not taken any opiates. normally when I take an md** compound, my stomach reacts quite vigorously with sometimes numerous #2's in the bathroom, after those #2's I feel 'full on' like the md** has taken hold and I’m ready. when I’m on opiates I never go #2 on md** and that always holds me back to some extent.

The aftermath:
It is now the day after, I woke up after only a few hours of sleep. I woke up feeling fairly groggy but not tired anymore, I felt pretty well rested, which is a typical response for me after consuming md** compounds. I woke up with a slight headache, most likely due to dehydration as it started to go away after I drank some liquids (gatorade/powerade to replace lost electrolytes) and got up and moving around. after a couple hours of being awake I began to gain an appetite and food sounded like an amazing idea, I felt like I could eat a whole cow. but as typical with md** compounds, I ate only a couple small bites of food and felt comfortably full. there is still some definite appetite suppressant properties at work. I feel comfortable and relaxed, a slight hint of being 'pleasantly washed out' but I won't be laying around exhausted all day today, I feel pretty good and hangover is minimal. I feel much better on a day after than I would with mda or mdma.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89967
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 29, 2011Views: 18,969
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