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An Overall Enjoyable Experience
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Trogdor. "An Overall Enjoyable Experience: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp90017)". Nov 28, 2022.

3 fruits oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (fresh)
This was my first time using mushrooms, I had tried 200 micrograms of LSD before (in the form of blotters) and experienced a wholly enjoyable experience.

I mentally prepared myself for about an hour before eating the mushrooms (we had them raw, in the paddock) and during the onset stage by ensuring myself this was going to be a lot of fun, I certainly believed myself.

I'd researched quite a bit beforehand (on this very site among others) and was entirely certain that I had the right kind of shroom. Four of us went to the field but there was only enough mushrooms for my friend and I (he had seven having taken them many times before, I had four). We were doing this entirely for recreational purposes, originally intending to drink, but deciding against it for no clear reason. We were both very keen and expecting to enjoy our trip before consumption and during the onset.

Location: Inside the house for the entirety of the plateau and most of the rest of the trip.

People present: Friend, friends woman, friends father, three other adults, seven children aged 10 and under.

Sitters: Many potential sitters, but all having consumed alcohol or potentially other drugs, no close attention.

I ate the mushrooms on an empty stomach and had drank quite a few energy drinks earlier in the day, but doubt these had any contributing effect.

T-0:00 (3:00PM): Took at least half an hour of searching to find around 12 good sized, effective looking mushrooms. Ate two decent sized mushrooms (1.5 inch cap diameter) while looking, once we decided we had enough I ate another, much larger mushroom (2-2.5 inch cap diameter).

T+0:30: Driving back to my friends house in the car, going about 180km along a straight, felt like I was going to float out of my seat, feeling was comparable to a cannabis high. Slight euphoria.

T+0:40: Back at friends house, increased euphoria, seemingly huge amounts of energy, desire to exert energy, which would vanish as soon as I started doing so. Very enjoyable trip, much like a stimulant. After a while I feel as if I was short changed, should of eaten more mushrooms, still euphoric.

T+1:30: Finally reach plateau. Intense euphoria, hyperactivity coupled with (somewhat contradictory) serene state of mind, rush thoughts that don't seem at all troubling.

T++1:40: Thoughts of 'what have I got myself into'/'what if I'm stuck in this mode of consciousness forever' start overwhelming me. Slight dysphoria, expressing concern to my friend, asking him if there is a chance this will last forever. He says no, but goes on to scare me saying it could last a few days.

T++2:00: Having successfully annoyed and frustrated both my friend (who I could tell was tripping just as bad as me, just without the worry) and his girlfriend with incessant repetition of variations of 'this will stop eventually right?' They have started ignoring my rambling and telling me to be quiet. I do what they say and rather then explaining what I'm feeling to them I start explaining it to myself. I'm constantly concluding that I'm having a lot of fun (and I really was) and that this is definitely going to end, but then the thought of this potentially lasting forever creeps back up. Quickly jumping from euphoria to dysphoria
I'm constantly concluding that I'm having a lot of fun (and I really was) and that this is definitely going to end, but then the thought of this potentially lasting forever creeps back up. Quickly jumping from euphoria to dysphoria
(maybe twice in the space of a minute).

T++2:15: Having finally forced myself to wholly believe that it is going to stop in a few hours (as I had researched) and have no lasting effects I'm now no longer jumping between sad about it lasting forever and happy that it's really not but rather sad that it's not going to last forever and happy that at least I can enjoy it now. Slight visual distortion in right eye (like the fisheye effect) around the centre of my vision, nothing too noticeable, and if I concentrated on anything it would go back to normal.

T++2:25: Conclude that the only reason I was scared before was the inherent mindset that change is bad, being scared that my state of mind would be permanently changed, not that it would be worse (as this state of mind was extremely pleasurable). It seemed like a completely logical conclusion and was a wonderful coping measure for the fear of being stuck in the trip forever, sober now I can see that being stuck in a mushroom trip forever at 16 is a very, very undesirable thing. All negative thoughts completely gone, simply enjoying the euphoria, everything is entertaining and TV simplifies my thoughts, slowing the rushing of information.

T+2:35: Playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, acting like I'm my character (which I do sober all the time anyway) is much more entertaining on mushrooms.

T+3:00: I've had a cigarette hanging out of my mouth for a while unlit and I accidentally dropped it, notice it and pick it up, I had the dries and my saliva had coated the end of it making it slightly reflective, I asked my friend's girlfriend if it was really there and she made a very obviously mock attempt at examining it closely, paying special attention not to touch the end and then concluded there was nothing on it. I told her I was serious and really wanted to know if I was hallucinating or not. I was noticeably worried about this and I didn't trust my friends judgement as he was also on mushrooms. They were having a riot. My friend wiped it off with his shirt and then well, it was gone. I was quite peeved and was never able to assert the existence of the substance, though I concluded it really was there as I hadn't experienced any other hallucinations and thought it unusual to experience such a soft (for lack of a better word) one. Looking at my friend's dad's platinum blond hair and the mopped floor both where incredibly, almost fascinatingly shiny, upon closer inspection of both I was able to conclude they were real and I wasn't hallucinating, I was just more susceptible to light.

T+3:15: Definitely well into the comedown stage, even after my 30-60 minutes of worry about the plateau lasting forever, I already miss it and regret wasting half of it stressing out.

T-3:30: I hang around and watch the end of an episode of scrubs before I decide to walk home. Walking home is completely normal, I arrive home completely functional, talk to my mum (careful to avoid eye contact in non-suspicious ways as my pupils are still extremely dilated) with no difficult and then get on the computer for a few hours and read up on other mushroom trip experiences to compare mine while it's still fresh in my memory.

T-6:00: Other then muscle fatigue (probably not from the mushrooms, as I had been awake around 50 hours at this point) I felt entirely normal, I'm pretty sure I'd finished coming down, my pupils are still huge, about 7-8mm across with the iris only being 2-3mm wide.

T-8:00: Playing the computer as normal, pupils still haven't dialated. Decide to go to sleep.

T-18:00: Pupils appear slightly smaller then normal, but return to normal size before the end of the day. Nothing else to say.

Retrospection: Overall it was a very enjoyable experience, though I was a little scared when the plateau first began. Simply arguing against whatever was upsetting me would always help, no dismiss the upsetting thoughts, but definitely aided. Eventually just denying the upsetting thoughts and distracting myself removed all negative effects.

Didn't get any lasting value out of this other then a desire to try mushrooms again to see if I'll hallucinate next time. Definitely not as intense as acid, and allowed for a greater deal of control over myself and train of thought.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90017
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Nov 28, 2022Views: 411
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Guides / Sitters (39), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), General (1)

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