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One For BeauDy
Citation:   Brer Anaconda. "One For BeauDy: An Experience with 1,4-Butanediol (exp9017)". Nov 15, 2001.

I like this stuff. 1,4 BD. I just call it BeauDy.

First experience I called my Grandmother and was somehow delighted by all the what I usually consider trivial nonsense of which she speaks. Perhaps the influence of BeauDy helped circumvent the vain, selfish, judgemental dumb-ass programs and helped access a more appreciative space. Many of my first experiences seemed quite valuable to me. Feeling more sociable and playful. Less inhibited. I liked it a lot. I took it a lot. I got used to it. Alas, the Uztuits, those pesky demons who take what was once new and fascinating then blend it into a generalized background fuzzhum. So I stopped and had kind of a nasty day when I did. To give some background, I'd gotten into the habit of taking it an average of two times a day for about a month. I'd read the addiction reports online and, admittedly, as much as I endeavored to keep in mind that all the reports [except this one, of course ;)] are subjective accounts based largely on the personality trips of the author, they (the reports) still freaked me out a little bit. So, with this in mind, I had kind of a nasty day when I stopped. No harsh withdrawal, just lame useless energetic state. Next day was fine. So, my honeymoon with BeauDy has ended. She seems like a fine sociabilizer to me.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9017
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 15, 2001Views: 14,267
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1,4-Butanediol (51) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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