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Worst Hangover Ever
Citation:   dragonella. "Worst Hangover Ever: An Experience with Codeine (exp90403)". Jan 29, 2019.

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:21 30 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:10 30 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
BODY WEIGHT: 47.5 kg
I was a pharmaceutical science student who recently had to prepare a pilot-scale production of 30mg codeine phosphate tablets for the company I was working at during that time. The purpose of this production was to evaluate its formulation compatibility and its tablet properties.

After performing all the necessary tests, I found that the batch of codeine tablets I just prepared was quite perfect, meaning it met every single acceptance criteria. I decided to nick some.

A few months later, I decided to try them out. I decided to try a low dose of 60mg first. I read up that its good to start with a low dose, especially if it's your first time. I took this with an empty stomach knowing I'll get the hit faster. I also decided to document my experiment.

After popping them pills, I laid down and listened to some club mix. About half an hour later, my fingers and ears started to feel tingly and warm. I wasnt sure if this was an effect I'm suppose to get or this was just a coincidence. Then my tummy started making sounds. I get weird moving feeling inside too. Like you know when you're too hungry? Yeah.. But I was too lazy to get up and eat something cos I was already lying down and it was like almost 3 in the morning anyway.

50 mins after taking the pills, I started to feel sleepy. Lame.

56 mins into the pills, I started to get a warm feeling coming from my torso. It seems to spread to the rest of my body slowly, like a pulse. At the same time, my heart started to beat faster. I could hear the music even clearer. The beats, the bass, the autotunes, etc. I also realised that my sense of smell became more powerful as well. (Not important, but my room suddenly smell like shit =.= )

76 mins into the pills, I realised that I was smiling lol I just couldnt stop smiling. My boyfriend started texting me and confessing to me about smtg wrong he did that I was supposed to be angry about. But instead, I was just smiling.

81 mins into the pills, I decided that I wanted to up the level of effect so I took another pill making the total dose to 90mg.

130mins into the first pills, I was still not satisfied w the level of effects so I decided to take yet another pill making total dose to 120mg. A few minutes after that, my throat started feeling tight and breathing got heavier. Nothing serious happened but I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I started to fall asleep cos I was sleepy anyway.

Around 5 in the morning, I started to get visuals and feeling things that werent there. Because of this, I started getting lucid and realistic dreams. It was kind of scary because I could physically feel everything in the dream. And every time I did feel this, I'd wake up suddenly w my eyes wide. When I touch the parts that I could feel in the dream, they were warm. This happened at least 3 times.

I woke up at 10am with the worst hangover ever. My head was splitting, my eyes were red and they felt like they were burning and I was nauseous as fuck. Thinking this would just last the morning, I went about doing my regular weekend routine.

By around 4 in the afternoon, I vomitted my lunch and breakfast. And water. Walking worsened my headache and nausea. All I could do was lie down in the dark and sleep.

Slept for the rest of the night and the next morning as well.

And what do you know? My appetite was still gone. My headache was still there. And I still felt like vomiting.

And this lasted for 3 whole days.


I'm not sure if this hangover was caused by me taking too much Codeine or if it was possible that the batch of codeine tablets I produced were somehow contaminated.

Note: I have a history of migraine. Its also common for codeine tablets to cause/worsen migraines. Sooo maybe this is why codeine gave me the worst hangover ever.

So having migraine or a history/family history of migraine, its not a very good idea to take codeine tablets for fun.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 90403
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 29, 2019Views: 6,450
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Codeine (14) : Alone (16), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2)

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