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Not the Best
Citation:   straighthead. "Not the Best: An Experience with MDAI (exp90472)". Aug 7, 2016.

300 mg oral MDAI
Bought some MDAI for a try as haven't done any chem since metherdrone not the best experience but here we go.

18.00 take 300mg orally don't feel anything for at least 2 hours start feeling slight euphoria nothing to get excited about.

21.00-02.00 over this time scale roughly hour after I first notice a change it starts to hit on stronger and doesn't seem to let up I know I'm in for a long one. Also get pretty agitated not wanting to do much or not finding much enjoyable.

03.00-05.00 extremely tired but not able to keep eyes shut for long body aches strained eyes feeling pretty awful.

Don't think I be trying this again anytime soon

Overall experience 2/10 (pretty nasty if to be honest)

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90472
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Aug 7, 2016Views: 2,165
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MDAI (499) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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