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To Lighten the Mood a Little Bit
2C-E, 2C-B & 2C-C
Citation:   IronOxide. "To Lighten the Mood a Little Bit: An Experience with 2C-E, 2C-B & 2C-C (exp90536)". Nov 18, 2017.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
  T+ 0:25   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 4:00 15 mg oral 2C-B  
  T+ 6:00 15 mg oral 2C-B  
  T+ 12:45 15 mg oral 2C-C  
The Phenethylamine Experience

Me and 3 friend decided to dose 2ce at around 6 pm. Some we weighed up doses of 30 Mg of for each person then diluted the dose's in some water and ingested.

I am not a stranger to the 2c family. I have dosed 2cb a few times but I must say that 2ce is alot more Intense then 2cb. Having say that I did enjoy it very much it was alot more introspective then 2cb and sometime I may find myself having dark or morbid idea's or thoughts. But I have had many of Experience's with other psychedelics and I have never had visuals like this before. Lots and lots of shadow play and auditory hallucinations with vivid close eye visuals.

T+ 0:00 ( 6 pm) We Are sitting in a friends living listen to music and chatting about Dmt the spirit molecule just after taking our doses. The whole group has had many (trips) together.

T+ 0:25 At this point we all are a little anxious waiting for the come up so we decide to smoke a bowl or two of kush to calm our nerves.

T+ 0:45 The Clime or come up was started for most of us. Some took a few mins after to start their come up but no more then 10 to 15 mins later. It has a light to mid body load for all of us.

T+ 2:00 At this point we all had peaked and our trip is well underway. We have glows sticks, paints, and many fun toys for playing with. Time was very distorted at some points 5 mins seems to take hours and at others hours seem like mins.

T+ 4:00 We all have decided to dose around half a dose of 15 mg 2cb to lighten the mood a little bit.

T+ 4:45 The 2cb has almost peaked and everything is now even brighter and prismatic.The mood has lighten alot and everyone is laughing and giggling about more.

T+ 6:00 At this time we decide to finish our dose of 2cb another 15 mg 2cb ( so that makes 30 mg of 2ce and 30 of 2cb)

T+ 7:15 We all did not get much from this dose but it did make the come down of the 2ce alot more glowing or at peace with everything. The shadows are still dancing and close eyed visuals are going strong.

T+ 9:00 All of us at pretty much at base level again. We sit or lay around the living room talk and reflecting on the night.

T+ 11:00 One member of the party is sleepy and decide he is going to sleep for a bit the rest are all awake up and lively.

T+ 12:45 The group decide we will end our journey with a small dose of 2cc. This was another first for me.

T+ 13:35 The 2cc has a very nice body load but no visuals.The body load almost feels like benzo's.

T+ 15:00 Me and g/f decide it time to go home. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] The drive home was great we rolled down the windows in the car and there was a very nice breeze and a little cloudy. Big white puffed clouds in the sky. Everything just seemed at peace also like a beautiful glow to the day.

I have made it home and into a cool bath to reflect on my trip... G/f has gone to sleep at this point no trouble falling asleep.
Looking back on it I am very happy with my Phenethylamine Experience. It has been a great tool in helping me get past troubled times. I most say 2ce was almost like 2cb's big bad bother that if you mess with you better have your big boy pants on and get ready for a ride.

I Think I am in love with a molecule if that does not sound weird. I am glad I have gotten to try this in my lifetime and hope I get to for years to come.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90536
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Nov 18, 2017Views: 1,351
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2C-E (137), 2C-C (262), 2C-B (52) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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