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Relaxing and Helpful Tea
Citation:   Thoth. "Relaxing and Helpful Tea: An Experience with Lavender (exp90579)". Aug 11, 2011.

1 Tbsp oral Lavandula spp. (tea)
Note: I am thoroughly involved in herbs, chemicals, and many mind altering substances.

I have been preparing lavender as a tea (1 heaping tbsp put into a ball, in 8oz of boiling water for 5-10 minutes) for relaxing, flavor, and anti-depression properties for many years and I have yet to be disappointed. While this is definitely not intoxication nor is it inebriating in any common sense, it definitely has effects. The best way to describe the delicate feel of lavender is light, pleasant sedation, with clear headed peaceful acceptance with that which is around me. It seems to flow well with any substance I have taken it with, the 'high' I get never seems to change (from day one to years later it still has the same effect), and not to mention it is diverse in its usages (plenty of herb books and sites can go into detail with this). All in all, this is a safe, pleasant, easy going herb. Duration: main effects last about 1 hour with after effects lasting about 1-2 hours.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 90579
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Aug 11, 2011Views: 8,616
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Lavandula spp. (461) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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