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I Felt the Confidence
Amphetamines (Adderall)
Citation:   JTrain. "I Felt the Confidence: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp90600)". Oct 10, 2022.

T+ 0:00
40 mg oral Amphetamines
  T+ 29:15   oral Amphetamines
I was diagnosed with ADD back in 1990 when I was 6 years old. I took various stimulant medication (Ritalin, Adderall) through out middle school and high school and discontinued at age 18 once I graduated. During High School, I was involved in a few car accidents where I crushed my arm which needed reconstructive surgery. I also had a collapsed lung, acute renal failure and strep pneumonia. Needless to say, I was put on various drugs in high school such as OxyContin, Percocet, Hydrocodone, Tramadol, Morphine, Dilaudid, Xanax, Clonazepam, Seroquel, Ambien, Tizanidine, Skelaxin among others. While in High School I never abused these drugs and took them as needed, though I recognized that these drugs provided a very nice comfortable escape from the pain and worry of life (physical and emotional).

Now fast forward 8 years. This is my experience in taking 40mg of Adderall, I usually take 20mg, but I decided I needed the boost today.

6:45a START

T-0:15 - Ate a biscuit, an energy gel (GU) and gulped a bottle of water

T-0:05 - Pulse rate at 59 BPM

T+0:00 - Chewed 40mg Dextro-Amphetamine (Adderall) IR. Ate a piece of beef jerky.

T+0:05 - Feel very depressed, unmotivated, hopeless. Have final exams next week and feel very behind. I feel overweight, unattractive, pessimistic. Slight pain in my lower spine from car accident in 2001 also in my left arm, comes on from time to time ironically during times of stress. Supposed to graduate with my BS in August, but still have to take Stats, Physics and complete my undergraduate mentored research practicum (thesis). Sigh.

T+0:15 - Starting to feel a slight rush of energy melting over my head. It feels like there is like a magnetic pull of energy running through my face. Not like a hydrocodone/opioid rush, it's different - much different. I feel actually the opposite of that. With the onset of an opioid high, it feels very mellow, peaceful, pleasurable. This is more of a gratifying feeling - like I just scored the winning touchdown, or kissed the girl of my dreams for the first time. It's a very rewarding, confident feeling. To be clear though I'm only feeling a glimpse of that, nowhere near euphoric yet.

T+0:20 - Pulse rate at 69 BPM

T+0:30 - Music sounds good, listening to Green Day - Geek Stink Breath :P 'I'm on a roll, no self control, blowing off steam with methamphetamine….My pulse is beating out of time, I found a treasure filled with sick pleasure…' Feeling pretty good now, but not necessarily great.

T+0:45 - Pulse rate at 109 BPM

T+0:50 - Feel good. Motivated, confident, focused. I WANT to start working on my paper/to do list. No desire for food. Don't feel any jitters.
I WANT to start working on my paper/to do list. No desire for food. Don't feel any jitters.

T+1:25 - Pulse rate at 117 BPM

Feel very focused, have enjoyed conversations with friends, listening to music. Also it feels good to think about the future and what I want to do to accomplish my goals. My wife is studying for her licensure for the Washington Board of Dentistry as we are moving in 2 months. I read 72 pages of Statutory Law in about 25 minutes and loved every minute of it. Very productive.

T+2:00 - Pulse rate at 109 BPM

Still feel focused, just not as stimulated. I can kind of feel it wearing down.

T+3:00 - Effects starting to wear off, but still feel focused and have slight occasional glimpses of happy feeling.

T+4:00 - Occasional happy feel goods come through my face and head through my arms, but I'm starting to feel a come down. :(

T+4:45 - Coming down, heart rate slightly elevated at 87 BPM, but definitely feeling the comedown.

T+6:00 - The stimulant effects are about 85% gone. However, I feel happier than when I started the drug, despite the comedown. It kind of felt like I was in a slump and I just needed a push in the right direction.

T+7:00 - I'm done, no more effect.

Summary: Overall, this is a great drug to use. I can't compare it to opioids or benzo's because it has such a different effect. When taking opioids, I want to be alone, and enjoy being relaxed and care free. On Adderall I felt very superior, confident, friendly and ambitious. I wanted to go run, I wanted to think about the future, about who I wanted to be and I didn't feel the doubts and worries, I felt the confidence. Not only that, but I felt really good too just in general.


I didn't sleep last night. It is now 3:00 in the afternoon, and surprisingly, I'm not terribly tired. All night I just felt the need to continue getting stuff done. I took more Adderall around noon. Got more done, great, but wow, that sure had a kick!

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90600
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 10, 2022Views: 2,250
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Amphetamines (6) : Performance Enhancement (50), General (1), Alone (16)

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